Arthurs Pass NZ under the snow
New Zealand! The most beautiful place on Earth where green forests lead to rock and snow. Blue blue sky keeps us staring up and everything is great, for now. Sideways rain here is common so enjoy the perfect weather while it lasts!
Here it is very much #filtered:
Which do you prefer?
Ps. #mountainmonday is super awesome!
Original photo and words copyright @snowyknight.
Whoa sideways rain on suspension bridges!
Happy mountain monday 🌄 @snowyknight!
Original rules, but I sure love that deep purple
and blues look! :-)
Thanks you too! I like the colourful one too!
I loved Arthur's pass! It was such a beautiful place :-)
And so steem connects people with more beautiful places in the world!
Thanks for stopping by @josefinemk!
That's a great scene! Any idea what elevation the pass is? I imagine the sideways rain would make this a whole different place! Thanks for entering #mountainmonday! resteemed with pleasure :)
Low low low, 740 m more or less... But far enough south to make for snow all winter long...
Thanks for the resteem!
We have a mountain pass just outside Victoria called 'the Malahat' that doesn't rise above roughly 1,200 metres but that's high enough to have some crazy weather, completely different than the city.
Arthurs pass was incredible! Did you do the long hike across all the suspension bridges!?
Heck yeah (re suspension bridges)!
That's great! Enjoy the rest of your trip!
Not a trip, a way of life...