10+ Most Beautiful Mountains in Indonesia

in #mountains3 years ago

10+ Most Beautiful mountains in Indonesia – Indonesia has many beautiful mountains that surround it. This is because Indonesia is located between the confluence of the Pacific Circum and the Mediterranean Circum. In addition, Indonesia is also famous for its ring of fire, or commonly called the "Ring of Fire". This title is given to Indonesia because the area is surrounded by volcanoes that are still active.

Surrounded by many mountains also has advantages for Indonesia, because it will add a beautiful panorama to enjoy. The mountains scattered in Indonesia certainly have their own beauty and uniqueness. The beauty starts from where the sun rises, steep cliffs, lakes in the mountains, gardens, and also mountain peaks.

Because of the beauty of the mountains in Indonesia, many mountain climbers climb to enjoy the beauty and uniqueness of a mountain. Every climber has their own favorite mountain to climb. However, it is not uncommon for climbers to experience climbing all the mountains in Indonesia.

The ebook contains a track record of climbing 44 mountains in Indonesia. The ebook contains several profiles, explanations, and tips and tricks for climbing the 44 mountains.

What are the most beautiful mountains in Indonesia? Come on Grameds, see the following reviews.

Gunung Rinjani

Mount Rinjani is located in the conservation area of Mount Rinjani National Park in West Nusa Tenggara, Lombok Island, East Lombok. This mountain has a height of about 3,726 meters above sea level.

Mount Rinjani is one of the mountains that is a favorite of climbers because this mountain is famous for being very beautiful. Even this mountain is touted as the most beautiful mountain climbing tour in Southeast Asia.

This mountain has many beautiful views starting from the savanna which is overgrown with edelweiss flowers, very beautiful sunrise views, then there is the most beautiful view on this mountain at an altitude of 2000 meters, namely Lake Segara Anak. This lake is unique in that in the middle of the lake there is a small mountain known as Mount Barujari.

Gunung Semeru

Mount Semeru is also one of the most beautiful mountains in Indonesia. This mountain is the highest mountain on the island of Java. Semeru has a height of about 3,676 meters above sea level. The peak on Mount Semeru has the name Mahameru peak. This mountain is included in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park area which is located in Lumajang Regency and Malang Regency.

Mount Semeru has several places that have beauty that can spoil our eyes while there. These places have their own uniqueness, there are even some myths that exist in these places.

The first is Ranu Kumbolo, this place has a view that is quite beautiful to look at. Ranu Kumbolo Lake has an area of ​​about 14 hectares. This lake is usually used as a resting place before continuing to the top of Mahameru.

Then the second is the Rise of Love. Rise of Love is a hill shaped like a symbol of love. Usually this climb is passed by climbers if they want to continue from Lake Ranu Kumbolo to Oro-Oro Ombo. This climb has a myth that if you climb this hill and look back, your love story with your lover will break up.

Third, Oro-Oro Ombo. Oro-Oro Ombo is a vast savanna. The unique thing is that the color of this savanna depends on the season. You can find lavender flowers with purple color when they bloom.