Went and saw Den of Thieves yesterday and I have to say it was a bit of a letdown, but when the action scenes hit, boy did they deliver.
The opening gun fight was an awesome opening to set the tone, but then we took a wandering look into Gerard Butler's character's personal life and shitty marriage. I feel in a movie that promoted action so heavily in the trailer that it was an unnecessary tangent. The movie seemed to spend such a small amount of time on the actual robbery/heist, or hell, I'd even prefer following the other cops around. Honestly, I couldn't tell you if anything in the middle of the movie mattered at all. The actual robbery and final gun battle were extremely entertaining.
I think my main issue with the movie is that it could have literally been an hour long and gotten to the same result. There's a lot of fluff following one cops shitty marriage and a convoluted twist near the end, but I don't to spoil anything. I don't think I'd recommend seeing this in theaters without something like Movie Pass. It's not worth spending your own hard earned money.
I saw the movie last night. I personally enjoyed it, and thought it was entertaining. Had a few of the same wonders about the character development. Action scenes were on point but I couldn't imagine someone spending 10-12 dollars in the theater for this one.
I know, right? Butler could be a tortured bad ass cop without the side story. Didn't add anything to main storyline.