When it comes to movies based on books, my children have two very different strategies. My 12 year old son refuses to see a movie if he has not read the book on which it is based. My 10 year old daughter is just the opposite. MJ likes to use the movie as an inspiration to read the book. Therefore, this past weekend I took my 10 year old daughter MJ to see A Wrinkle in Time. My son stayed home. He chose wisely.

Because I read the book over 35 years ago, I honestly did not remember very much of the story. I had a vague recollection of thinking the book was "OK" but I don't remember loving it or ever wanting to read it again. Therefore, I am writing this review based 100% on what I saw in the theater. I cannot comment on whether or not it stayed true to the book... although I'm nearly positive it did not. I am just making an educated guess that a 100 minute long movie could not possibly include all of the details included in a 260 page novel (even if it is written at the 6th grade level).
For the first 30 minutes of the movie, I was very happy. The film was incredibly colorful and included beautiful music and imagery. It was a very simple story that any 10 year old could understand. A father disappeared. His incredibly smart daughter is struggling at a school where she is bullied on a daily basis. Even some of the teachers were incredibly disrespectful.
Although the type and amount of bullying was a little dark, I understood that I was watching a fairy-tale. Those stories are often filled with over-the-top depiction of evil villains. The fairy-tale feeling continued as the three main characters, a pre-teen, her brother, and for some reason a would be boyfriend, meet supernatural women "warriors" from other parts of the universe.
After the movie I asked my daughter what these three women were. She had no idea either.

The initial set-up was fun, visually appealing, and included some clever dialogue. My favorite part of the movie is the fact that Mrs Who, played incredibly well by Mindy Kaling, used famous quotes in order to communicate. This reminded me of Bumblebee from Transformers , but instead of vapid pop culture and music references, she spoke in very meaningful quotes from famous people throughout history.
The three children travel to another part of the universe in search of Dr. Murray, the two children's father who went missing four years earlier. The next twenty minutes continued to be rather mindless fun with the group meeting a seer portrayed by Zach Galifianakis.
After the scenes with the seer, the wheels completely fall off the entire movie. It seemed as if someone on the creative team noticed that the movie was heading towards being two and a half hours long. They realized that a movie aimed at 10 to 13 year olds could not possibly be that long so they decided to tie up everything as quickly as possible in the next forty minutes. As a result, absolutely nothing makes sense in those last forty minutes. Characters seem to appear and disappear at random. A very important battle takes place... but the audience has no idea why it is occurring or how it is won. An incredibly brilliant character seems to become a weak idiot without any explanation as to why. And then the movie ends.
I feel his pain. I had no clue what was going on during the last 40 minutes of this mess.

Although my daughter claims she enjoyed the movie, she also said that she does not think we need to buy the DVD... which means she really didn't like it.
If you have to take your child to see it, it is not utterly terrible. I did not want to fall asleep. The acting was good. Being the only person alive who liked The Cloverfield Paradox, I was happy to see its lead actress, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, get another role as the children's mother. Both Mindy Kaling and Reese Witherspoon were quite fun as fairy godmothers/witches/celestial beings... or whatever they were. The child actors were about on par with a Disney Channel TV show. Surprisingly, Oprah did not ruin the movie. I am not an Oprah "hater" but she simply is not an actress. She should be talking about movies, not "starring" in them. However, because the character was supposed to be so "spacey" it did not really matter that the actress portraying her could not act.
This was an especially nice movie to see alone with my daughter. Even though the movie was not great, there are some very simple messages about love and family that seemed to hit home with my daughter. It is also a "girl-power" movie. In my opinion, my daughter can never see enough images of powerful girls and women. I want that message hammered home every chance we get. Girls are smart, strong, caring and capable. I would sit through 100 terrible movies if they had any positive effect on my daughter.
Does this Gif confuse you? Do you think it might scare a little kid?
That sums up the last few minutes of this movie.

Unfortunately, there is a HUGE problem with this movie: its rating. There is no way this movie should have been rated PG. The final battle was so scary that we almost had to leave the theater. Although my daughter has powered through some pretty scary stuff in the Harry Potter movies, this battle seemed far scarier. It was dark, loud, dangerous and seemed to go on forever. The length was especially odd considering the creators were trying very hard to keep the movie as short as possible. I would definitely not recommend bringing small children to this. They will be bored for most of the movie and then scared at the end.
Although I did like the "girl-power" aspect of the movie, if I had it to do over again, I would have waited and rented this movie or watched it on Netflix. That way we could have fast forwarded through the scary and unexplained final battle. I could have also started playing on my computer after the first 40 minutes of the movie. I wouldn't have missed a thing.
Geeky Dad's Movie Guide
Number of times I fell asleep: 0
Number of eye rolls: 0 (I would have had to know what was actually going on in order to merit an eye roll)
Number of face palms: 0
Number of times my kid asked to go to the bathroom or get food out of sheer boredom: 0
Number of times I checked steemit: 0
Number of times I said "Huh?": The entire last 40 minutes.
Did my kids like it: A little
Would I see it without my kids: No way
Full price/Matinee/Rental/Free/Not worth the time: If your kids are dying to see it, wait for the cheap theaters. It should be there in a couple of weeks. Otherwise watch it with them for free.
I read this book as a kid and I liked it quite a bit though it wasn't necessarily a favorite. I have not seen the movie but the previews have made it look like it is only very loosely based on the book. In fact, the preview felt so unlike the book that I didn't even know what the movie was until it gave me the title. It definitely doesn't have the feel I would have associated with the book. I don't think I'll be watching it unless it comes to Netflix (and then only maybe).
I am like your son in that my philosophy of movie watching is to always read the book first (or not at all). I am still not watching the Game of Thrones series for this reason. The books are not complete.
Most movies that are based on books lose something in the translation but there are movies out there that have done a VERY good job. I still think the Harry Potter movies have done the best job of preserving the story and feel of the books.
I agree with you. Aside from the very first Harry Potter movie, I think they did a great job of capturing the books. The first one left too much out and felt "hollow" to me.
Good review. I also find movies are way too long nowadays. I don't know why that is. I'm thinking of getting into writing movie reviews on my blog here. You might see some coming. Hey I got a question for you. If you derive income from a movie review (as you clearly did from this post) do you think it's possible to write it off as a business expense on your taxes? It's an idea.
Good review. I think I will wait a while before watching this film with my eldest daughter (she is 8 at the moment).
I love this movie review. I'm glad you are so descriptive. I've been thinking to go see it. And now, I realize I don't want to waste my money. I'll wait until it comes out on DVD. Why? They main reason is that I don't want to spend the entire ride home explaining what happened. Unfortunately that is my job... If I like the movie, the summary synopses is not that bad. If the movie is something that I didn't like, the explanation of what happened makes for a very long car ride.
Thanks for the heads. Hopefully, my 10 years old won't ask to see it. Doesn't see worth watching even for free..
I haven't seen it yet so thanks for letting me know.
I don't think it will be for you. Did you see Black Panther?
Would you say that the movie's positive aspect of empowering girls is negated or diminished by the last 40 minutes of the movie?
If it isn't, then this movie goes on my "when I have my daughters, we'll make a day of it" list.
If it dimishes it, but doesn't fully negate it, I will rent it for a movie night with them.
If it outright negates it however.... well, sad panda is sad.
Regardless, appreciate the review.
It is worth watching it with your future daughters.
I am feeling no ambition to see this film now. It isn't something any of my kids have read in school and I have never read the book myself. Like you said though, at the end of the day it was a great opportunity to have some one-on-one daddy-daughter time. I hope the popcorn was good at least. Sometimes that can be the best part of a movie. Like when I was dragged to see the minion movie a few years back. One thing I must say though is that you are right about the ratings on movies. I'm finding that the ratings are getting more and more "flexible" the content that pops up in PG and G movies is increasingly more on the "adult" side of things. I think it speaks to the desensitized nature of society to the content provided to children.
Oh man I did not like that Minions movie. But Despicable 3 was pretty much unwatchable.
OMG don't even talk about Despicable Me 3. I was ao annoyed pretty much from the beginning. Sitting in the theatre with 5 kids all super excited and me counting every minute until it was over. lol Talk about time you'll never get back. The worst part is I liked the first one. I don't know whay they push a good thing until its bad. $$$$$ It will be interesting to see how the sequal to "The Incredibles" turns out.
@hanshotfirst - great name by the way (Of course Han shot first- Greedo died!). Anyway very informative post on a Wrinkle In Time. I will definitely catch it on Netflix or Amazon when it comes out. I really hate to spend $25-50 at the movie for a "really bad" movie. I feel like I am getting mugged when that happens! :)
But back to the movie you reviewed. I haven't seen this one yet, but from what I've read the Author of the book- Madeleine L'Engle died in 2007 when she was 88 years old: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/a-wrinkle-in-time-author-dies-at-88/
I had read somewhere that they've totally secularized this movie, taking all references to God out of the movie. Leaving it very hollow and purposeless. If they'd have left the movie, more like the author's vision of what happens in the story, more people would have gone to see this film in my opinion. Great post- keep up the good work. Upvoted!
I really enjoyed the way you described the movie as for your kids its just a matter of taste and i think you're a great dad sense you respect theire tastes.
I just posted a new article feel free to check it out
And this gift is for you i hope you accept it!
You said it right 100 minute long movie could not possibly include all of the details included in a 260 page novel.Whenever i see a movie based on any novel i read before i always feels like this.A book or a novel is such a huge thing which is very tough to show in 100 minutes.Your daughter is very smart indeed,she din't liked the movie much but she still says she likes it it's only because of you may feel bad that's why.Thank's for the review and the post.
Hahahah the struggle is real.
At least you had some fun, admit it :D
Have a nice day - @tonac
Hahahaha, you just made my night. This is a very interesting movie, what a great analysis boss. Thanks for sharing this @hanshotfirst
I have been reading the reviews on line and I'm definitely going to watch it.. I love girl power movies, i thinks that's common with girls.
Having an intelligent child, of course, becomes the desire of every parent, therefore we should be able to set aside time for children, because the average child aged 10 or 12 years, imitate us and want like his parents.
Success for you, may they be children, who boast of parents.
Nice I post Moveclip trailer on my steemit
I am not the biggest oprah fan but have you seen her in the color purple. she is an actress far before she started talking to them
She was great in that for sure.
It has quite a lot of good actors and so many pretty visual effects. It's a bit sad that the movie didn't work out as good as people expected it to be. I think I will still watch it, at home though.
LOL :d
Absolutely love movies where you can disconnect from your everyday life for a few hours and get lost in a fantasy land.
I'm not sure if this is my first time seeing the Geeky Dad's Review Score, but it's always a good sign when you don't fall asleep or facepalm.
Appreciate hearing a family persons experience going to the movies with kids. Movies are some of my first memories: Drive in, The Fox Theater, the Showbiz Pizza Parlor next to the Wherenberg Theater.
Hoping to catch more of your movie reviews. I been doing more movie stuff on non-steemit discord channels for screenwriting and filmmaking. I have a section in @SteemExperience for movie lovers to chat. And in general, love movies. I don't know where I'm going with all this... thank yous all the best!
Judging by this review, this movie is totally not for me.
Hey, have you ever watched anime by any chance
hahah this one looks epic didn't watched it but it will be fun :D
a good review, I love to read and make me know a lot about this movie
Nice review man. I didn't know that A Wrinkle in Time was based on a book and while its a shame that the movie is not well received, I'm now at least curious to read the book.
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Awesome review you came up with seems like this weekend will be crazier
if girls having great time in it i will watch it too ;)
You sir, are an awesome father!
Now, back to the movie review.
Thank you. I'll wait until it comes around on television. Thanks for that ;)
great movie. I also love Hollywood movies. art of Hollywood movies are very hart.
your movie guide is looking amazing
Got it sir @hanshotfirst, never watch A Wrinkle in Time without a little girl. I guess it was enjoyable but forcing to compress the scenes is not a good idea.
I read the book as a kid and remember loving it, but I didn't remember enough about it to go see the movie yet. Last week, I looked it up on Wikipedia to remind myself of the plot, and was surprised to discover A Wrinkle in Time is the first of four books about those kids, and that there are another four books about the next generation of kids (the kids of the main character girl in this one and her boyfriend who becomes her husband). I don't know how Madeline L'Engle got so much material out of that one book.
The women were supposed to be former stars (like, literal stars that shine in the sky) who supernova-ed themselves in order to ascend higher to help bring good to the universe.
I noticed you voted firepower as witness. Do you know he downvotes all my posts and comments in order to hide his little dirty secrete? Firepower is a shame for Steem community.@hanshotfirst,
You may want to read the following to understand his true color: