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RE: A Geeky Dad's Movie Guide to Ready Player One (2018)

in #movie-review7 years ago

And yet again we are on the same page. I was so angry when I saw the first Harry potter movie that I refused to watch any of the others for years (They made Nevile insignificant. I believe it is Harry's relationship with him and his standing up for Nevile that establishes harry as a hero at age 11). It turns out that they righted the ship quite a bit but I had to wait for video and my kids being ready to watch them in order to find out. My wife saw all the movies in the theater.

After getting to know you a little bit I can safely say that you absolutely must read Ready Player One. It was made for our generation.

But be warned, you won't be able to enjoy the movie if you have read the book.

I am sure War games will get a reboot... but it won't be nearly as fun.


I'm planning on hitting the school library on Tuesday when we are back. Hopefully, the school will have a copy there. I totally agree with the whole Neville plotline as well. I had to tell myself with respect to the Harry Potter films that because there was just so much intricate detail that it was impossible to include it all. This thought made me feel at least a little better about it. lol. I was totally a theatre viewer for Harry Potter. It was bigger than me. haha