Thanks fo sharing your views. I have not seen all Burton movies, but generally i am not fond of his style. I just have an aversion towards too cartoonish style directors. In my review blog i go more towards the artistic and emotional.
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I have read your blog. You do an excellent job! I am coming at this from a little different angle. I really enjoy movies but I wanted to take a look at ones I probably wouldn't see without my kids. These are meant to be a little bit more "fluff" as opposed to yours were are excellent and more serious.
And I will be the first to salute your decision. The more different ways to do it the merrier. It is all about using your imagination and fitting it with your skills .-)
And by the way .. Yes, Han did shoot first :-) ... i have a restored 1080p version of the original 1977 cut. It is just awesome .-) ... Lucas keeps screwing with the originals and it is atrocious
Yes!!! The "de specialized" edition is great!