John Wick 3 is the best of the series. This is i think ever made best action movie. Keanu Reeves and Hale Berry are good actors and actress.
john reyizin, heckler & koch and glock 19 at the same time into the mouth of those who do not wait him curiously burst yes, I went back to the explosion, is a continuation film.
why do not show the police around, so many men can not kill a person, the white blood is not transmitted to the whestos who bik bik? stopping time, backward area, with a hammer in his hand, producing 7.8 earthquakes, brainwave all mankind to have the power to kill the heroic marvel heroes also need to be discussed is also a mental illness.
note: I was very impressed with my seeing that the equilibrium made in 2002 was inspired by the firing of guns.
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cool! read about my fan theory about john wick and matrix here if you want!