TV Series Review: Disenchantment (2018-) A demon, an elf and a princess walks in to a bar...

in #movie7 years ago


Are you one of the sad fans of Futurama. Are you still waiting for Futurama to come back. Did you hear the new show from the creators of Futurama. You did. Welcome to the Disenchantment review.

Sadly Disenchantment isn't the new Futurama like the people on the internet says. But worry not because Disenchantment is still a very good show with tons of quirky characters and lively atmosphere. Just finished watching all first season episodes in 2 busy day which comes about to 5 hour of Disenchantment. Because of that ı cansay easly Matt Groening and Josh Weinstein (whom both worked on The Simpsons and Futurama) did a realy good job on Disenchantment in my eyes.


Show is a big one continus adventure with our 3 heros. We got Princess of Dreamland Beanie, Elfo an elf who is bored of his too jolly life and demon luci. With this trio we go high and low. We stop weddings, we turn grooms in to pigs, we hunt down artifacts. With every adventure we also get serious character arc and growth from main characters. Every lead hero get litle background silently without interfering the jokes and giggles. So it's not some cheap joke fest of a show.


World building quite nice considering the not so serious tone of the show. We get to see very interesting Game of thronesesque places and land almost every episode and meet characters to match(Dont you wanna see a transgender griffin?). On top of that we get some major plot twists along the way that hooks us to the show.



Considering all that ı would give 7.5 out of 10 to this show. Must watch for bored individuals.


You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

Because of that ı cansay easly Matt Groening and Josh Weinstein (whom both worked on The Simpsons and Futurama) did a realy good job on Disenchantment in my eyes.
It should be really instead of realy.