
Automatically. Wow. I guess if that would have got you in trouble, that's a good thing.

So, no rules against flying drones in residential areas? I would think people would say it's a privacy issue. They would in the U.S., and frequently do. If they're not out with a gun to shoot one down. :) That to me is a little more dangerous than having a drone flying overhead, but I don't know if I want it hovering over my backyard, either.

Yes, it is completely legal to fly in residential areas as long as you can do it safely but it is recommended to fly in areas which you already know. Flying right next to someone's window would obviously be an privacy issue and wouldn't be allowed. These things also generate a big noise which might annoy people. Many things are legal but generally just not good things to do :)

You are allowed to move quite freely how you want outside in Finland and also do what ever you want :)