Second Season
All dark...all black...
if I want to look at darkness I'll look in my closet...
First season is better but second is not so terrible...
I really like the idea behind the Marvel universe and collaboration between all the different projects and how their stories actually bleed together, was a big comic book fan as a kid, but I do think they’re grasping at straws‘s trying to make profits wherever possible And not following through on the original storyline.
Jessica Jones is by far not the darkest story, and they successfully captured her misery, but seem to be failing to grasp her dark humor!
The punisher for the win! My father never understood why I liked that comic book, very dark, little bit too dark for eight years old. I thank him dearly for never questioning my choices but just allowing me to absorb as much I could being the only thing I was willing to read.
by 'dark' I meant "turn on the damn LIGHT!" it seems like the first episode was filmed by flashlight"
trying to capture a mood and missed it slightly.... btw ive put you into my autocuration trail ....
one of these videos im going to try do a reading of your work if your alright with that? suits my reading ability
She looks very angry...I reckon I ain't missing much not living in the USA watching USA trash TV.
Still I might download it just for yucks if I get bored.
refreshing is the right way to eliminate boredom
Beautifully said!
Hey, I know this is going to get out of the issue of publication, and I'm sorry, but could you tell me how much a gallon of gasoline costs in the United States? I can not find updated information ... it's for a post I'm writing.
Seriously it's not too bad...but still I think the defenders was the best out of them all.
It has everything you want in a movie... Jessica Jone season 2 wasn't bloody Has expected But All in all its still a good way to pass time...
a season like a person of interest?
Looking forward to watching it.
The first season was better and i think they were relying more on getting it out on international women's day to ride some sort of wave than actually take their time and build up an epic story
The standard of Marvel Netflix series has been great with Daredevil and Punisher leading the way so I really feel this was a letdown. I'm just glad to see them introduce Hellcat, hopefully she joins the team in the next season of the Defenders
I love this kind of entertainment. The Cage thing on Netflix, Arrow, Flash, etc. However, after a season or two they start getting weird. There was another show titled Lost Girl that I REALLY liked and it went weird as well. It seems that when these shows start they have some talented unknowns doing the writing and other creative work and then as the show ages they get hired away to better opportunities leaving behind or being replaced with the "B" team.
hmmmm. i have pretty much eliminated all of these type shows. i have seen some add for janet, but not interested at all
i might be getting old, thank goodness for opening day in less than 15 days!!!
thanks for sharing
Jessica Jones isn't your childhood Marvel Comic Heroine. She's flawed, she's human, and she's got problems.
However, I actually like this series. I haven't finished the second season yet, but I will finish it.
I'm also waiting for season 2 of Luke Cage and Season Three of Daredevil. I almost forgot about Season two of The Punisher.