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RE: Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger 💪

in #movie7 years ago

I knew that the next person would be Iron Arnie :)
This man is a legend not only in the world of cinema, but he is also a legend in the world of bodybuilding. Many beginning athletes are equal to him and to his success.
In addition, he achieved great success in politics once again proving to everyone that for a person there is nothing impossible.
His successes were not luck or coincidence. If you carefully study his biography you will see that he aspired and achieved everything himself. He had and failures. But they did not break it, they made it stronger. Therefore he and the iron Arnie :)
For many, he was an idol of childhood, his films were loved by many, and now I like to immerse myself in nostalgia and revise his films. For example, recently watched - The last hero. But of course no one could beat the legendary Terminator 2. This is the standard.
Thank you.
It is possible that the next may be Jean-Claude Van Damme, he is the same legendary man of that time :)


Yes it's Van Damme 😊