Searching (Movie) - My Movie Review

in #movie7 years ago

Searching (2018) - Yet another fantastic Asian (mostly) casts Hollywood movie (after Crazy Rich Asians).

Even though it is a lower budget movie (comparatively) but it’s a damn awesome and effective one.

The whole movie is literally playing out (real time) sessions upon sessions of social media interaction (text, video, and audio) between the main casts, but because of its unique way of storytelling and the twist and turn of the plot, you will be very much vested with the characters (mainly the father David Kim , played by John Cho and the daughter Margot, played by Michelle La, both are superb in the movie) and glued to your chair.

One rare feat in this movie is that it uses all the real social media platforms (Google, Friendster, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram etc.) and their evolvement throughout the years with the actual looks and feels. So, it is very REAL. The audience is like peeping through the actual social networks of the daughter to find clue of what’s happening to her?

The other elements that I like about the movie:

  1. The movie started off with the classic buzzing sound of the analogue modem connection (for those who can recognise it, it’s a music to the ear)

  2. The audience can learn something new, especially in the social media space. Like me, you probably never heard of a platform called You Cast before.

  3. It depicts quite a true picture of the current social behaviour/“sickness” of the youngsters (and probably many adults too).

A movie with great storytelling, superb performance and the mother of all twist!

Highly recommended.

My rating : 4 (out of 5 stars)