Hacksaw Ridge (2016) - Movie Review

in #movie8 years ago (edited)

Mel Gibson is an excellent director. He really shows it in this movie. His fingertop feel with the characters is great. The movie is based on a true story, it´s hard to believe but it has happen. The fighting scenes feels very realistic, it shows the dirty truth of war. Nothing glamorous about the war.

All actors have done a great job, but I give Andrew Garfield an extra praise. It´s fun to see e.g. Hugo Weaving, Sam Worthington, Vince Vaughn.

This film is horrific in it´s violence, but I like the raw and honest depiction of how war can look like.

It´s takes place 1945, WWII, when US is trying to take over a place called Hacksaw Ridge, in Okinawa, Japan. The Japanese is not afraid of dying.

When you come close to the end of the war you are amazed of what´s happening at the war front. What it´s is you will have to find it out for yourself. But it´s worth waiting for.

If you have seen this movie, what did you think about the movie? What´s your rating? Anything that they could have done better? What´s your favourite war movie? Mine is probably Full Metal Jacket.

My rating is 5 of 5, because the screenplay, acting and story is very well done. I can´t anything that they could have done better in this movie.
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