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RE: Movie Review: Captain Marvel (2019)

in #movie6 years ago (edited)

I also loved Rogue when I was a kid! ;)))

Hollywood is just a propaganda machine. And it spreads idiologies and ideas. Marvel and other comic publishers were used before the 2nd world war also for war propaganda but after that this trend calmed down and it became more open. Some characters in the comics are as they are. Some storys and figures address topics that are still topical today. I find it quite normal that these things are also used in the movies.

I also can't understand why some men feel caught by a strong independent woman? This Brie Larson is a feminist-propaganda is created by such men. The movie itself is not feminist. Is this whole thing created just because Brie Larson/Captain Marvel beats up some men in the ass in the movie and is quite strong and because of that most people get scared of her? This doesn't make her a feminist. Or is it because Captain Marvel will soon replace Captain America in the movies and some have a problem with a woman taking the command now?

Dude, this whole controversial Brie Larson is a feminist, Captain Marvel is a feminist and a danger for the world of the men is complete bullshit, which is still stirred up by the media and some politicians who still use it for their stupid politics...

Dont follow that ;)


Nope none of that, haven't seen it, like I said. Now I feel you aren't even reading my comments. I have no problem with strong women, I'm quite attracted to them. Never claimed any of those talking point you regurgitated. Marvel was never a leftist organization, now it is. Ignoring Bri Larsens terrible opinions about men as a whole or not acknowledging they exist, does not help anyone. Done with this conversation, be well.

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