Training went well. My arms and chest is feeling it now. We are doing leg workout tomorrow morning.
I was supposed to post video of the last gym session, but I realized editing and rendering a video is actually much work so I'll put those up when I get my previous videos processed.
Leo is doing great, he's joining our go tournament on Saturday. I see that he is playing pretty well for not having practiced at all for a while.
Training went well. My arms and chest is feeling it now. We are doing leg workout tomorrow morning.
I was supposed to post video of the last gym session, but I realized editing and rendering a video is actually much work so I'll put those up when I get my previous videos processed.
Leo is doing great, he's joining our go tournament on Saturday. I see that he is playing pretty well for not having practiced at all for a while.
Nicely done buddy. Leo will turn into a champ for sure t this rate, good guidance makes a difference. Looking forward to that training video