Why The Hulk Is More Important In Avengers 4 Than You Think (Bruce Banner)

in #movie6 years ago (edited)

Screenshot (1).pngIn the past couple MCU movies we've seen Bruce Banner and the Hulk get a bit more screen time than they have had previously instead of an earlier version of dr. Jekyll and mr. Hyde we begin to see some serious character development for both of them it seems like it's all been building up to something and we have a few ideas as to what that could be without further ado here are a few reasons why Bruce Banner is going to be a lot more important in Avengers than you think saying you did so the story are a while back actor Mark Ruffalo expressed his interest in doing a standalone Hulk film Marvel balked a bit at the idea since Hulk movie seemed to be cursed with bad boxoffice turnout instead the Russo brothers promised Ruffalo that he would have a full character arc over the course of a few films which would amount to the same amount of screen time and development as a standalone film would offer mark was down with the plan essentially this means that we'll definitely be seeing a lot of Bruce Banner and possibly the Hulk as well simply due to the contractual obligation that sounds like a bad thing but it doesn't have to be what it signifies is simply that Bruce II is going to have a storyline climax that will most likely leave us all satisfied the Super Soldier hey guys remember the Incredible Hulk movie starring that guy from Fight Club yeah neither do we as we mentioned before the standalone Hulk movies have not been very popular at the cinemas however this particular film is one of the first films of the MCU and even though it wasn't very good it still was an important part of the story of Bruce Banner in the film we learn that Bruce is an experiment made by the government to recreate the World War era super soldier program that Captain America came from we're left at the end of the film seeing Bruce transformed to Hulk in a somewhat controlled manner we don't know where that control went in the later films but we guess that's all part of the story arc in any case Banner is a super soldier he was made for fighting transforming into the Hulk is what he was made to do it was disappointing to see Banner not be able to do that an infinity war but we can be assured that his role in saving the universe will definitely go back to what he was made to do the imposter we've talked about the theory before but here it is again the Hulk was replaced by Loki at some point just before Avengers infinity war began so when we see Loki die he isn't dead after all Loki is housed inside Bruce Banner when we see Hulk he gets smashed by Thanos it's probably just because Loki doesn't have a good handle on that whole being a giant green beast and his imposter version of the Hulk is a little wimpy then he decides to appear as Bruce Banner to avoid the whole fighting thing and for the rest of the film we are left wondering why Banner can't muster up the strength to go green so where does this leave Bruce Banner well we're assuming that if Loki was actually the Hulk we see on the Asgardian ship banner has to not be on the ship or else he'd be dead like everyone else the Russo brothers have claimed that the whereabouts of fellow Asgard refugees meet cork and the Valkyrie are too spoilery so we don't know where they are so it's possible that banner is with them wherever they are possibly on an escape pod of sorts wherever they are now we hope to see a grand entrance in Avengers and we kind of hope the green guy is with them the professor in thor ragnarok we see the Holga bit differently than he has been portrayed before he can talk make jokes and play pranks granted all of these are rudimentary at best but hey it's progress it was a bit strange to see the Hulk as something more than just a brainless bulky fighting machine instead we see a person with thoughts and even emotions when he finally went away and allowed Bruce to come out banner was terrified that if Hulk came out again it would be the final time and he would stay permanently it's as if Bruce saw the Hulk as a person making cognitive and deliberate decisions instead of just coming out because he was angry so that brings us to the next reason hope may be pretty darn important in the upcoming Avengers film because wouldn't it be something to have a creature with the strength of whole but the brains of Bruce well kids let us introduce you to Professor hull a leaked poster of some character concept art for Avengers revealed a few interesting things not least of which is Captain America's newly shape and face which thank goodness for that because that beard wasn't doing it for us but also the Hulk is shown wearing a costume not something big and scary like the Hulkbuster armor but like a very superhero esque spandex number the Hulk isn't really one for wearing clothing so this is definitely hinting at something important not only is he wearing clothing but his hair looks almost styled and his facial expression seems to be expressing something other than anger which is unusual for the hole so what could this new look mean many are theorizing that Professor Hulk is going to make an appearance in The Incredible Hulk comics there was one iteration of the hero that combined the best of both characters Hulk's strength and banners intelligence this character is known as Professor Hulk and is definitely a formidable character for any of his foes this character combination definitely makes sense with what we've seen over the past few films Bruce and the Hulk are trying to coexist in the same body and it's as if each is very aware of the other's needs they still have a lot of learning to do to live together peacefully but it looks like that may happen in the New Avengers film if professor Hulk really is on the roster!