
You're IN! Thank You for your entry! Good Luck!

  • "You shouldn't have double-crossed me again, Brain. Come on, let's go"
    [another quote]

I don't mind additional quotes, that makes it more and more FUN!!!

Escape from New York:
Girl in "Chock Full O'Nuts": You're a cop!

Snake Plissken: I'm an asshole...

Escape from L A:
Snake Plissken: By the way, who gives me the antidote?

Malloy: A medical team will be standing by.

Snake Plissken: Neither one of you?

Malloy: No.

Snake Plissken: Good!

[Snake opens fire on Malloy and Brazen with his assault rifle, but to no effect. Malloy and Brazen do not flinch or even blink]

Malloy: Ha! We thought you might try that, hotshot. That's why the first clip is loaded with blanks. Bye bye, Snake. Good luck!

Great Quotes!!!

  • "It's too late, assholes. All your imperialist weapons and lies can't save him now. We're going down. We're going to crash"
    [another quote]