Hi guys this Netflix has released a movie based on the novel of Stephen king Gerald's game of the same name. I must say after It this movie is another true adaption of his novel. It stayed true to the novel characterisation and also added a more female centric.
It stars Carla gugino
and Bruce Greenwood
This movie is directed by Mike Flanagan the guy who brought us the mind boggling oculus movie
The story is of a married couple in their 40's trying to ignite the intimacy in their relationship,by going on weekend away from regular life to their suburban home. Gerald the protagonist wants to try a kinky way to get into his wife's heart. He cuffs her to the bed and after certain events he collapses and leaving her cuffed to the bed and 10 miles away from help and a stary dog hungry for flesh.
This movie has a sequence where it shows the men in Jessie's life how they took control and treated her at some instances and how she sees a friend or an Allie in the moonlight man. The murderer on loose.
Good post! Have you read the book it's based on and would you recommend it?
if you are a fan of king's writing you would love it, if not you might find a bit tedious at the end of the novel