The Matrix Trilogy: One of the Best Science Fictions🌍🌍

in #movie7 years ago

The Matrix Trilogy, probably the most pronounced name after Star Wars in the world of science fiction. Although Avatar is ahead of business, it is perhaps the most popular science fiction among the mind-boggling viewers of the era. After 1999, the number of good science fiction was gone, none of them could avoid the shadows of the matrix, even the everea 'not even the inception' ... there is no such speller in it, but still some people can fight. They can take off if they want from here. But this text is mainly for most people, who have not seen or understood the movie, or who have many questions in mind.


In the 2200 years, the war with machines has pushed the existence of mankind in the past one hundred years to face the destruction. The Earth's surface is no longer suitable for human habitation. The sun's light no longer reaches the ground, for the dust cloud. So there is no vegetation, no heat. People have to take shelter so much of the soil, where there is still some heat. The last manship, whose name is Zion

The machines do not want to destroy the people completely. Because, people are their energy source. A person produces a lot of energy through his biological process for his daily activities. If we did not have to do daily work, then there was a lot of excess energy in our body. The machines got the way to collect that power. They collected a large number of people, stored each one in a turtle, and got their metabolic sequence. There is no need for sexual activity to be born new people, they have found ways to create man in the laboratory. But there was a problem. When the human body and mind are together, then they became invincible. The game does not end when you keep them in the tents, they need to understand that they are not in the quarry. So, machines created a Dream World software - THE MATRIX. Everyone in the neighborhood has been given a signal in the brain, they are still living in 1999, living in regular lives, getting up from sleep, going to work, watching movies, dancing in the club.

But since the matrix is ​​a software, it also has a software bug. Even though common users do not understand, hackers sometimes get caught, something is wrong. Neo (Neo, Keanu Reeves Acting) - a hacker from our story. The question always revolves around his head, where is the problem? Come forward to answer, Morpheus!

Lawrence Fishburne as Morpheus

Machines also attack Zion. But people are not easily defeated nation. They have survived several attacks. But they know, if they can not do anything then their existence will soon disappear. Morpheus believes that there is the ability to do something only to Neo Neo is unaware of his ability, to use his power to rewrite his program. Morpheus is a person of 2200, but by hacking the machine mainframe (through which the matrix software is run), he is in contact with Neo of 1999. Meanwhile, the machines also know that Neo has some power to explain. So they add some new programs - the agents, whose job is to bring them to the team. This tactic starts with, The Greatest Science Fiction Ever - THE MATRIX.

To me, this is the best of the trilogy. Background music, for the first time, Bullet Time Action Scene, Great Screenplay and Dark Narration, Hugo Weaving and the powerful acting of Lawrence Fishburne, friendship and enmity, trust and betrayal, dialectic philosophy.


The backbone of Neo's extraordinary power is like this - when a software program is created, it is a matter of balancing. Suppose the whole system's value is one hundred. That is, there are hundreds of units available for various software programs. Up until about eighty years of energy distribution, we did not have the program to accept the remaining twenty percent. But balancing is essential. Some programs have the power to use more energy than usual. In this trilogy of ours, the Balancing Program - Neo, the One! Although the Neo of 2200 does not have much power, but when it is in the program, it can break the rules of the program. For example, gravity-gravity does not work on it, it can see the programming code for everything and change the code.

Everything in the matrix is ​​seen in the form of Neo code

The time is nigh, the need is dire The machines have begun to dig the surface, their target - Zion! They will reach Zion in the next 36 hours, and will start the tumblebill. There is no doubt that people can not survive this attack. Endless debate over what the tactics will be A group of Morpheus, they believe - Neo will rescue them. Another group believes that if you do not sit on your hands and rely on Neo, you will have to use every resource to stop the attack. Now the problem is that Zion can not go to the city in 1999 - that means the machine has to go to the main tunnel near mainframe to enter the matrix. Then every body in the matrix program is to transfer through signals portal.

Oracle (prophetic), a powerful program called Morpheus, said Neo is the end of humanity. Morpheus wants to go to Taenle with a ship (special aircraft), Neo can give him the chance to get rid of the problem with his ability. Meanwhile Neo himself did not know what to do! Agent Smith reacts with a terrible power and reloaded it. Sometimes there are no programs in its manufacturer's control, such as computer viruses; Smith is such a program. As the virus can corroborate another file, Smith also makes the other players smack around him and make him another smith.

Similar action scenes will be seen in this movie, one of the best action scenes you have seen in your life. Keanu Reeves' X Factor, Reese's Chemistry with Kerry Annie Moss, Great Strike-Counter-Chasing - Smoke!



Sleep breaks at a strange train station. It's like a computer's Hidden Folder. His programs have hidden the codes in this secret folder. Another powerful program named Merovinzian. His body is lying in 2200, and the mind (all the signals in the body) is trapped at this train station.

And the machines have been digging into the hole to reach Zion. With the greatest power, people started to fight with machines On the basis of which, as far as possible, the battlefield went down. The biggest battle for the people with machines started ... and Neo is not in the battlefield!

Previously Neo's Balancing Program (The One) came in the matrix. It is said in the first part, 'The One' emancipates himself and some others from the pond of machines, showing the real truth to everyone that they are not actually in 1999. After he died, there were many other 'One One' who came here. Some of them died fighting, and everyone forgot everything and chose the dream of Matrices Dream World. Nobody was finally able to finish the war. How Neo will end this war, he has not been able to fix anything yet. Oracle has been helping the program for a long time, Neo-Morpheus, he is not even now. Everything Neo's neck!

The end of the movie, which has its end, is the end of the matrix movie



I hope they bring a series out based on the matrix

then it is very good

Um.. What? Is this translated from another lanuage?