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RE: FREE 1SBD - Mystery Movie Quote: "Amsterdam... I'm New York" - What's the Movie ?

in #movie7 years ago (edited)

@goldkey - Gangs of New York my friend! Daniel Day Lewis of course gives a masterful performance as Bill "The Butcher" Cutting. Here's some more from Bill:

Bill: "Everything you see belongs to me, to one degree or another. The beggars and newsboys and quick thieves here in Paradise, the sailor dives and gin mills and blind tigers on the waterfront, the anglers and amusers, the she-hes and the Chinks. Everybody owes, everybody pays. Because that's how you stand up against the rising of the tide. " Gangs of New York - 2002



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  • "We hold in our hearts the memory of our fallen brothers whose blood stains the very streets we walk today. Also on this night we pay tribute to the leader of our enemies, an honorable man, who crossed over bravely, fighting for what he believed in. To defeat my enemy, I extinguish his life, and consume him as I consume these flames. In honor of Priest Vallon."
    [another quote]