Movie Review: The Magnificent Seven (2016) As deadpool said: This is just lazy screenwriting

in #movies7 years ago


The Magnificent Seven is a remake of the same name 1960's movie. We follow a more diversified crew of 7 through western America this time. Denzel Washington plays Chisolm, Chriss Pratt plays Josh Faraday, Ethan Hawke portraits Goodnight Robicheaux, Vincent D'Onofrio brings life to Jack Horne; Billy Rocks,Vasquez,Red Harvest comes to life as Byung-Hun Lee, Manuel Garcia-Rulfo, Martin Sensmeier. And as a generic, greedy villian we get Bartholomew Bogue portraid by Peter Sarsgaard.

(Can ı get an amen for Vincent D'Onofrio. He plays the most interesting, most hard to play characters: Jack Horne in this movie, Wilson Fisk in Daredevil and especially Pvt. Pyle in Full Metal Jacket)


The Magnificent Seven is at it's core very enjoyable western. Very heroic, very honourable and sadly very standard. After Quentin Tarantino's revision of western with movies like The Hateful Eight or Django Unchained ı started to expect more from that era's movies. The door is wide open for unorthodox western movies. I know, ı know ı cant expect much from a 1960 remake but still...


Movie was mostly very good and enjoyable. Cinematography was on point, we didn't get any shaky cam fight scenes. Final, big shout out was very detailed and was easy on the eye. You dont lose sight of your characters and dont get confused. This must be very hard to achive with a 200 vs 50 gun fight scene so congratulations.

We get invested in every character, backgrounds for those characters was subtle (this is so hard to find lately). We get fun and action moderately. Nothing overpowers the other. Characters are very interesting and fun to watch individuals. But still ı got couple points to put my finger on.


Other than just our lead, any other characther dont have any reason to join this suicade mission. People joins, just like that. Considiring the very generic villian, some very big cliches and this ı can only think this movie got very lazy screenwritings at somepoints.

(Sorry Chisolm, I have to fake leave at the end of second-act. Just to comeback and shoot some evil guy at the last second to save somebody)

4/7 (point for every dead character lol)
