Movie Recommendations: 101

in #movies7 years ago

There are movies which address things that are so important that one would hope them to be common knowledge, self-explanatory or a given, though that may not always be the case.

Here is a small list of movies that represent that, or include such aspects, for me. I consider each one of these eight a must-see.

I didn't want to include any trailers, they mostly ruin the fun of discovering a movie, and reveal too much, too soon. If you are interested in the storylines, follow the imdb links, provided with each recommendation. I've tried to keep my descriptions to a minimum.

Gattaca (1997)

A movie about faith, in oneself, one's dreams and goals, against any and all odds. Determination and spirit. As above, so below.


The Matrix (1999)

Impossible to choose any one quote or any one part. The Matrix is deliciously stuffed with wisdom and life-altering advice. It has everything, and it is a movie for eternity.


Instinct (1999)

- Is that all you want ?

- No, l want to finish this.

- Finish what ?

- Telling you what l know.

- What makes you think what you know is any different than what other people know ?

- l had different teachers.

Primarily a dialogue movie. On control. On freedom. Magnificent. 


The Man from Earth (2007)

Another dialogue movie. Slow. Beautiful.


The Wave / Die Welle (2008)

What good are the lessons of the past? The story of an experiment.


American History X (1998)

"Has anything you've done made your life better?"

An incredibly powerful movie.


The Last Supper (1995)

How far would you go for your convictions? A group of friends explores this topic, in depth. Surreal. Twisted. 


The Mosquito Coast (1986)

The fine line between genius/creator and madman/destroyer. Also on trust and love.


Into the Wild (2007)

 "I’m going to paraphrase Thoreau here… rather than love, than money, than faith, than fame, than fairness… give me truth."


If you have already seen all of these, good for you!
If you have any movie recommendations to add to this list, feel free to do so below.
Also, I have this nagging feeling, that I have forgotten to include something important. If you know what it is, feel free to add that as well! :)




Captain Fantastic (2016) might fit inbetween Mosquito Coast and Into The Wild?
Not entirely seeing one hard and fast common denominator-criterium for all of the films listed, I connoted films that might not fit your list. Once upon a time, I went from never watching films to watching around 800 films in two years for a research project, where one film lead to another as I followed a thread that explored what really matters in life.

In this vein, just because of the dinner theme, The Last Supper made me think of the Perfect Host (2010), which is pretty freaky.
American History X's Nazi theme made me think of the Danish film Brotherhood (2009) (about two male Neo-Nazis falling in love with eachother). But thinking back to Anerican History X, another great Edward Norton film, besides Fight Club is 25th Hour; better still is 21 Grams (Sean Penn) but now I am thinking of Iñárritu the director, via Amores Perros and Babel, all these films take a look at how to make the most after a dreadful situation. Facing your own failings and mortality and accepting accountability.

Die Welle made me think back to Das Experiment (2001) (of which there is also a remake, but I like the Moritz Bleibtreu one best, who btw might be the most diverse actor ever). It came out around the time the social experiment was a popular theme, which reminds me of Exam (2009) but also of The Cube (1997), which I think I am able to recall gets a bit gruesome, but maybe not as bad as the Belko Experiment (2016).

A milder look at the choices life gives us is Mr Nobody, also about how goals and dreams change with every step of the way somehow and somehow not at all.

Great post. Three new films to watch, aswell: don't know Gattaca, the Instinct (I don't think) and The Man from Earth.

Yes!!!! Captain Fantastic. That's the one I was missing! I love that movie...

I have seen most of the movies you've mentioned. All except Exam and Belko Experiment.

Nice associating!

oh this is fun to start this ... I have seen most of them and totally agree! The ones I haven´t i will try to get to soon. You know I´m always searching this kind of input... my list is soooo long I will just add two of my favourites you didn´t mention... INCENDIES , intense! "Auf der anderen Seite" from Fatih Akin, .... oh and I must mention "In a better World".... and for something completely different, poetic beautiful and profound... Northfork.

I haven't seen Incendies and Auf der anderen Seite (The Edge of Heaven), will definitely check out both, thanks!
The same goes for Northfork, but keep in mind, my list of poetically beautiful movies is yet to come! :)

Good recs, I see a few I have not seen yet so I should get to that. My faves are "Brazil" "Eternal Sunsine of The Spotless Mind" "Jacobs Ladder" and "Amelie" I might make a list one day.

Yes, "Amelie" and "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" would be a different sort of list, for me. That would be for the "Movie Recommendations: Poetry" list, or something along those lines. "The Fountain" would also be on that list.

"Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind" is indeed a very good one ! :D

Didnt watch all of them but I agree with those I did. In the same spirit, I would add "the Truman show".

Eterna Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, the Truman Show,... Could it be, you are a fan of Jim Carrey? :) At least the serious movies?
Have you seen Number 23?

Well observed Watson ;) I really like Jim Carrey, such a good actor. Not only for the serious movies : really liked "Me myself and Irene" for example.
Never saw "Number 23" though : seem a bit too frightening for me 😅
Did you ? Would you recommend it to me though ?

Yes, I would.

Excellent list. I saw them all. All brilliant. Invictus and Dead Poet Society are great too. Good and inspiring post Anibas.

:) Thank you Mira13.