I think that a lot of people have forgotten that auditions are job interviews.

in #movies2 years ago


Filmmaking is work.

People get hired and fired in movies, just like every other industry. And, yes, trends in mainstream movies tend to trickle down. When we make a small movie, we hope that it'll be that special movie that gets into a major film festival and people will give it attention.

So, when people are complaining about straight actors playing gay roles, or cis actors playing trans roles, they're demanding that actors share details about their sex, and sex lives in their job interviews.

I don't have any LGBTQ+ roles in a movie I'm writing now; but, if I did, I would be aware that, if the movie did hit Sundance, and I cast a cis, straight actor as a gay man, I would come under scrutiny. That means that, in order to placate the woke mob, if an actor came in a knocked it out of the park, I'd need to ask him about his sexual orientation.

I don't want to do that, because I don't think that it's any of my business.

The woke mob is just doing what the right-wing was doing for decades -- demanding information about your sexual preferences and personal life as a prerequisite for employment.