A YOLO-documentary from 2016? - All These Sleepless Nights

in #movies8 years ago

Say you're between the age of 21 and 31. You like spending nights out in the weekends. You like attending festivals. You may even have your experience with certain synthetic drugs. According to the numbers there's a big chance this is you.

Last weekend I saw the documentary that focusses on all these aspects, in a beautiful way. I'm talking about the Polish documentary All These Sleepless Nights.

It's kind of a YOLO-documentary. It's about two young guys attending raves in Poland, living together, having the greatest amount of fun. Remember, it's a documentary, not a film, so the shots at the parties are real, just as the attendents, just as all the contact with the girls and the use of drugs.  

After a while, one of the two protagonists gets a relationship and kinda 'leaves the other one behind'. He,  Krzysztof , then tries to find his own way in living this lifestyle. Completely symbolic he tries to 'invent' his own dance. You see him dancing at afterpartees, alone, surrounded by his own generation. 

It's a great analogy with our youth culture nowadays. Everyone trying to find their own way of doing this and focuses on what's important for them. I won't tell you about how the documentary ends, I will just give you one final image to consider before watching the documentary.

Last, but not least:  the trailer.
Support the director who made this beautiful piece of art by buying the documentary. 

And enjoy.

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