
Oh well ! It's still a Hollywood movie ....
This quote came in my mind asking myself if he is a hero ....."Anyone can slay a dragon, he told me, but try waking up every morning and loving the world all over again. That's what takes a real hero."
He wakes up every day but don't you think he feels lonley? Was it all worth it ?

Here is my review of this before it ever came out: Snowden is an Allowed Leak, nothing more. Ever hear of William Binney or Thomas Drake?

What do you mean ?

Thank you for sharing your thoughts in this review. It is definately a movie i will review at some time on my blog :-)

Great review! Must be that all the worlds governments are downvoting this movie on popular sites ;)

Looks like a good movie to watch, thanks for the review.

I think the movie is educational, informative. According to what I have read he says he did what he thought was right. I also like movies based on true life events and Oliver Stone's movies.

I've had mixed feeling of this from feeling like he was a traitor for exposing secrets that may have harmed America to also feeling like some of the things he exposed needed to be exposed. I never thought I would be one of those that did not trust the government at all, but here I am saying I do not trust them at all. We are being lied to by our government and their partner in crime, the press. Sad times for America.

I nominated this for Project Curie over at the Curie chat channel. I hope it gets you some votes!