Tonight, the wife and I are heading out to see Matt Reeves’s The Batman in IMAX, and I couldn’t be more excited. Well…not Spidey No Way Home excited…but pumped nonetheless. Since we are fancy AMC A- Listers, we will also each receive a snazzy exclusive comic book & NFT as well. Tasty!
But today’s post is going to be short & sweet as I’m pressed for spare time, so I’ll cut right to the chase. Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, I’m sure you’ve seen the advertisements for the film with the Bat symbol housed inside the title. Well now you can create your own through the link below. Feel free to try it out yourself! Have fun!!!!
The Batman stars Robert Pattinson, Zoe Kravitz, Colin Farrell, Paul Dano, Andy Serkis, and Jeffrey Wright and officially releases this Thursday!
Cool! maybe I can make my own bat-esque movie now..
Go fight some crime! Film it. Earn a few bucks here! 😂
Awesome. I think it works better with a smaller number of letters but I like it!
Looks pretty badass to me! I wouldn’t mess with ya if that were yer logo. Lol
sweet!! How was it???
Fantastic. Really enjoyed it. Wife liked it a lot more than she thought she would as well.