Films about space have become very popular in recent years for the whole visual and sound spectacle they offer to a story, stories that are greatly complemented by the full range of subjects that can be explored using space scenarios, However, a couple of years ago there was a film that took the subject of space films to a more dramatic level but without so much audiovisual waste, what I mean is that The Martian is a film that despite being obviously a science fiction film, does not feel entirely so thanks to the incredible realism that Ridley Scott printed to the story and the characters. To be better understood, this is a film that beyond representing something that is not yet possible (yes, travel to Mars is still not possible) feels real, feels possible and above all is built around characters with what we connect quickly because their conflicts seem credible and also represent something that could happen in the future.

The Martian is one of my favorite movies of the last few years because it manages to create a fantastic synergy between the dramatic and intense that means being caught totally alone in an uninhabited planet with the fun of a character who decides to use all his intellect to survive as long as possible. This is a movie that lets us see how would be the life of an astronaut if for reasons that escape his hands were trapped on Mars after his companions took him for dead and decided to leave the planet and return to Earth. Here basically we have a man who literally wakes up after fainting and miraculously being saved who realizes that he has been somehow abandoned on Mars, a man who is then forced to recover quickly from the emotional shock that this fact represents to begin to maneuver different ways of surviving.

The movie is like a spatial version of Cast Away, since we see how this astronaut uses all kinds of things to create a kind of controlled environment where he can live and even grow potatoes, yes, it is really fantastic to see how Matt Damon's character achieves through various real growing techniques to create a potato garden that helps him lighten the food load. The whole film is developed in a fantastic way because it allows us to see the two sides of the same coin; on the one hand we have an astronaut somewhat frustrated but who decides to face this whole thing with humor and on the other hand on Earth all the conflict generated by having left an astronaut alone on Mars.
The way in which Ridley Scott manages to combine the different attempts that an astronaut makes not to run out of resources that allow him to live, with the drama that is lived in the facilities of NASA while they try to find viable ways to bring back Matt Damon is fantastic and gives it that touch of realism that I was talking about a few lines ago.

This is a film that I love because it takes the whole subject of space travel to a more realistic and intense contrast, through scenes and moments that constantly highlight the emotions that the characters live, characters created wonderfully to convey all the anguish it means to see yourself alone on a planet, because yes, travelling into space must be something fascinating but being trapped in total solitude on a planet is something that surely nobody would want to experience, and here they manage to transmit all that drama through moments full of comedy that make this a very different film, a film that stands out in different aspects thanks to a script that never feels forced and much less difficult to understand beyond the scientific factor that constantly leaps into the plot.

For me this is one of the most entertaining films that have been made recently, a fun film, which succeeds in giving all the protagonism to a charismatic character that makes us laugh, learn and connect with the situation in which he lives, something really amazing if we consider that easily the center of attention of the film could have been all the fear of being trapped on Mars, but no, in this film the best is undoubtedly the performance of Matt Damon.

Personal Score: 8,5
- Movie URL:
- Critic: AAA