I admit, when i saw this was going to be released I felt pretty much the same way as everyone else. However, then the media made some sort of negative reference to the film and mentioned conservatives and Trump and I was thinking: "Well now I have to go see it!"

The movie carries on about as you would expect with a Rambo film: The story isn't near as important as the action is - and the action is just fantastic.
Stallone does the same thing that he has always done with Rambo: Sly plays him as a recluse introvert with mad military skills (and a touch of PTSD) that really just wants to be left alone.
The opening sequence shows him helping out with some rescue operation during a flash flood and this is actually the only bad part of the film... I am not really certain why this was included in the movie because it has nothing to do with the rest of the movie and none of the people invovled (other than Rambo) ever appear in the film again. UPDATE - it later occurred to me that this sequence actually isn't in the North American version of the film

John Rambo's fury has to be brought on by something and this time around it was the abduction of his "daughter" that is actually not related to him, but he sees her as family. This is not a spoiler - if you have half a brain it was pretty easy to deduce that this was exactly what was going to happen. Through some various things that involve Mexico (intentionally being vague) he goes all "Rambo" on them.

In the prior Rambo film that took place in Burma, Stallone was going for the "highest body count ever in a film" and it was precisely for that reason that I thought that movie was dumb. In Last Blood, it isn't the amount of kills, but the variety in how the victims are dispatched that is so fun. If you can imagine a weapon, it was used and of course the famous bow and arrow scene has to be in there.
From the official Lionsgate channel
After the film's release - right on cue, the SJW's came out of the woodwork to attempt to ruin all the fun in the world. They accused Stallone of creating a stereotype of Mexicans as criminals. Critics were panning the film because of xenophobia and racism. I wasn't even going to go see the movie until this nonsense was in the news.
It's a movie you jagoffs! We are supposed to have the baddies be as despicable as possible - it wasn't a friggin documentary about the entire country of Mexico. They didn't have a problem with Vietnamese, Thai, Russian, or Burmese people being depicted in this way.
Sometimes I feel as though a lot of this social justice commentary actually gets put out there by the studios that made the film, so the controversy will create free advertising for the film.
This is honestly the only reason (well, that and the fact that mid-week films are $2.50) that I went to see this in a theater but man am I glad that i did. If you don't enjoy gratuitous violence and gruesome kill scenes this is definitely not the movie for you.

There are subtitles for the Spanish parts, but to be honest they kind of need subtitles for a lot of what Stallone says - that dude can't enunciate. I suppose it doesn't really matter because the story is pretty weak but i would say it is some of the best action I have seen in any of the Rambo films. I fully expected this to be a "meh" experience but if the opportunity arose to go see it again... i probably would.

Just for the people around my age, there is a "Rambo Montage" at the end of the film that will make you feel old... added bonus.
I saw it last week and really enjoyed it.
The criticism of the film was irritating. Cartels and human traffickers are a thing -- yet critics took this movie to be a caricature of all Mexicans, especially as the border crisis is such a big news story these days.
There are bad guys all over the world. Should we make movies villainizing cartels in South America, warlords in Africa or terrorists in the Middle East off-limits because SJWs think making them the bad guys is racist? I think any group of bad guys is fair game, from this movie to the Euro terrorists of movies like Die Hard.
If you watch movies like this and think its a negative reflection of those countries and cultures, I think that says more about your own latent racism than the racism you project on people who enjoy watching bad guys get splattered by good guys.
really good follow up breaking down the SJW nonsense attached to this movie. We need bad guys in movies... do they all need to be white guys from fictional countries in order to not get the perpetually offended wheels turning?
They've turned their attention to Joker now... the criticism of this movie was flying on Twitter before any of the jagoffs had even seen the film. I swear these people sit around in soho starbucks just looking for controversy to stir up.
Joker was going to be a mega hit no matter what they did as long as the film is decent. Rambo on the other hand, almost certainly benefited from the negative SJW accusations. It got me to buy a ticket
Ha, I kinda thought it might be good after the hysterics from some. Can't wait to see it now!
Saw it listed on Cyberflix but they are all cams I think. Will definitely have a look tonight. First Blood was good so I will look forward to this one. Makes me old watching his movies.
yeah, almost certainly cams. This is something that really needs to be seen in high res, preferably with a great sound system.
Rambo the Geriatric I was thinking :). I don't think I watched any after II, I being the best IMO. Such a long time go...
better get a good supply of body bags... hehe..
Been lookin' forward to this movie. Looking forward to it even more now.
Oh wow, well that's promising. I was totally expecting to skip this one, but if you say 'better than expected' that's good enough for me. haha!
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looks interesting. I could probably help out but looking at your page it appears as though i might be the only non-Korean, which is just fine.
I have not watched it but the kid in me still being obsessed with Rambo means I will definitely watch it. I don't agree with Mehico on this one... I believe his is simply more movie action than racism. And this, Creed 1 & 2 and the Expendables are his only creations that I am can't unlove :)
I always think it is funny when TV shows and movies make up countries for terrorists to be from because they are afraid to offend anyone. I used to watch Rambo II and III over and over when they would be in Fox or one of the cable channels on the weekend. Those and the Chuck Norris movies.
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I applaud Stallone for making Mexico the focus: Based on where he was in the USA, and the story of his "daughter," there was no other plausible alternative. Plus the people who were screaming about how the movie depicts Mexico as a rather lawless and dangerous place.... I don't think they have ever been to Mexico (Cabo and Cancun don't count.) Not to mention the fact that while both Rambo and his "daughter" are wandering around nobody, other than cartel members are presented as dangerous. Sure there was a couple of tattoo covered dudes in the street when the daughter parked her car, but they didn't even talk to her - just looked at her the same way you and i would have if a car pulled up in front of our house that we didn't recognize.
In the absence of actual racism and xenophobia, the perpetually offended SJW masses will create it where it is not.