When the Geeky Dad and I sat down to compile this list, I couldn't help being reminded of the first time I met Tyler Durden.

Oh my gosh!
The Narrator and Tyler are the same person?!
No Way!
Because I am both a Geeky Guy and a Geeky Dad, it was quite challenging to try and pick the top ten movies of 2017. Should I keep the types of movies separate? Should I do a mixed list? Do I have to do a top ten list like everyone else? There are two of me, should I go for a top twenty?
But this is steemit. There are no rules! Who says I have to pick just 10? And who says I can't split them into multiple categories?
Nobody. That's who.
Therefore I present eight of the Geeky Guy/Dad's top 13 movies of 2017!

If you are wondering what my criteria is to make the list, it is simple.
1. Which movies would I tell my friends to spend their time and money on?
2. Which movies are most likely to result in my friends thanking me for the recommendation rather than wanting to punch me in the face for wasting their time?
3. Which movies do I want to own for my personal collection?
The Geeky Guys Top Movies (The adult in me loved these and will watch them again after 9:00 P.M. when my kids are in bed.)
Don't tell my kids I'm watching this!

4.John Wick Chapter 2
I was absolutely shocked by how entertaining the first John Wick was. Just like the original, the sequel is light on plot and super heavy on action. The hand to hand as well as gun battles are so well choreographed that it is like watching ballet... really freaking cool ballet. Although the movie is very similar to the first, there are enough differences to make it exciting. The underworld Wick navigates and the characters in it are just so much damn fun. If you are in the mood for an over the top action movie, pop this in and enjoy.
3.Atomic Blonde
Get ready for this. I do not like Charlize Theron. I don't think she's a very good actress and I don't find her attractive in the least (no sarcasm for once). So that should tell you just how entertaining the movie was. I thoroughly enjoyed it despite her being cast as the lead. It is similar to John Wick in that it includes ridiculously over-the-top action sequences. However, this adds a very cool 1980s Cold War spy angle. In addition the soundtrack is simply fantastic.
In some years, this would have been my favorite movie of the year. It is a love letter to one of my favorite comic book characters of all time. Far too many of the movies involving Wolverine did not do him justice. This one made up for it. Logan becomes the true hero we always knew him to be. He's flawed. He's broken. But damn it, he's relentless. See this movie. For an added bonus, you can check it out in black and white for an even grittier experience.
This may be my favorite movie of the year (yeah I still haven't decided). It is one of the most original movies I have seen in years. I have never seen a movie that used sound and music almost like an entire character of its own. Please take note, this is not a musical. The characters don't bust out into song at weird times. Instead, sound is woven into scenes and matches the actions such as the closing of car doors or the passing lines on the road. That may sound boring, but when you see it, you will see it is actually amazing. In addition, I normally hate car chases but the ones in Baby Driver are incredibly entertaining. If you liked Quentin Tarantino's True Romance and music that takes over a scene, you will love Baby Driver.
The Geeky Dad's Top Movies (These are movies I enjoyed watching with my children but might not watch without them)
Can you keep a secret? These movies are made for kids but they are still pretty good.

The Boss Baby could have just been a mindless money grab. Instead it had heart and was filled with a ton of Easter eggs for parents who grew up in the 1970s and 1980s. This was the biggest surprise on my list.
Being able to skip the origin story and jump right into the action made this movie a lot of fun. Making Peter Parker a geeky 15 year old really hit home with my kids. I also enjoyed the spin they put on Peter Parker's friends. I don't know ho much I would have enjoyed it without my kids, but my son got the DVD for Christmas and I enjoyed it a 2nd time with him.
The first time I saw the movie, I over thought it and paid too much attention to the many plot holes. However, when I turned off my brain and tried to slip in the frame of mind of the intended audience (13 year olds) I enjoyed it much more. It is filled with action, has great special effects and some really cool characters. Give your brain the afternoon off and enjoy.
1.Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
Yes I enjoyed a Jumanji sequel more than a Star Wars one. I honestly can't believe I am writing that but it is true. If one of the criteria for this category is turning off your adult brain and juts enjoying, then Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle wins the award for most mindless fun. It is full of laughs and action. I'd never watch it again without my kids... but I'm sure they will be asking to see it again very soon.

"But wait. That's it? There are so many good movies missing. What's your problem?"
You are correct. The list is incomplete. There are still five more movies that need to be ranked. Those movies will be a combination of the tastes of my two personas. (Pirates of the Caribbean will not be on that list.)
I had intended to include them here... but the post was over 2000 words long.
Even I have my limits.
So please come back on Saturday to check out the final installment of this two part series.
I will also name my absolute favorite movie of the year in that post.
Great article. Logan was SO good. If any gamers here really liked Logan, you probably would also like The Last of Us. They touch on a lot of similar themes.
When I first saw Split, I was so happy that James McAvoy was finally gonna get the acclaim he has deserved for a long time. Its awful that awards seem to have forgotten about it.
I had to turn off Split. I am sure McAvoy did a fine job and have heard the movie was well done. But the topic was so unpleasant that I didn't want to spend my evening consuming it.
Did you watch the movie Get out? It is of an horror/suspense movie. Very good.
I actually compiled a list of all the movies that I did not see so that people could see what was in the running. I forgot to include that and i think I deleted it. Get Out was on that list.
Love them all and I dont think Boss Baby made for kids lol found it quite interesting.
Logan finally ended so I think, to think that what made him really powerful would end up being the cause of his death
I like your choices, most especially John Wick. I respect and appreciate the fact you watch movies with your family. I can imagine what it feels like. Movies generally depends on personal interest and motivation. Personally i watch movies based on mood. Thanks for sharing. And don't stop watching with your family. God bless and keep you all.
Waiting for John wick chapter 3,I think this time he will die because he is up against the world
I'm more of a TV Shows fan. It's always bad when a good movie ends, you urge for a continuation, but it never happens. That's why I love TV Shows. For example Suits, House of Cards, Power ( 50 cent did a great job there ), Queen of the Show is a great, great show with a tremendous amount of work and improvement in the second season. There are many others which deserve to be talked about.
It would be great if you could review some.
Anyways, great job @hanshotfirst ! I am following you.
Logan is probably one of my favourite films along with fight club. I also agree that Jumanji was unexpectedly better than star wars. :)
As as huge nerd, top 3 :
Thor Ragnarok
I still have my top movies post on Saturday.
2 of those will make it.
Is it a worthy remake of origin film?
It was surprisingly entertaining.
I'll put it in my "to watch" list. Thanks
Yeah. John wick though. Crazy action movie. Prefer atomic blonde for the action part of it.
Jumanji!!!! It deserves to be number one, trust me.
I love them all but i'm a Huge fan of Atomic Blonde :)
This post has been upvoted and Resteemed!
I am going to start following you so I can see what your next post has for the best movies of 2017. I am not an action fan at all, so the only movie that I will be actually checking out on this list is Jumanji. I appreciate you watching them ahead of time for me and letting me know what's good and what is not!
The boss baby i loved!
I think it's an option to see despite being animated (for children) I enjoyed it and almost cried, I liked that more than jumanji the truth I expected more from her the original is another level compared to that, of course it is From my point of view.
That is a decent list. My top five are different, but those are solid. Baby Driver would definitely make the list. I liked the original John Wick much better. Atomic Blonde was bizarre. I liked it, but I think some of my friends might "punch me in the face" for that one. Logan was wolverine doing what he does. A solid addition to the franchise.
Thanks for sharing. Interesting list. I might get punched for my favorites, which included Shape of Water (best film of the year for me) and The Florida Project.
I loved every moment of it - except the ending, which I thought didn't make much sense, and cheapened the whole experience. I haven't read the comic book it's based on, so I have no idea if it was the film script writer or the comic script writer who made up that particular twist.
The first half of that film is among the greatest film experiences I've had! The latter half on the other hand... Again there was a twist which I felt cheapened everything that happened before it. I'm not going to post any spoilers, but anyone who has seen the film probably knows what scene I'm referring to.
Jumanji, Baby Driver, and John Wick 2 are my favorites of part one of your post.
I was waiting for with anticipation for your top movies list, that is good idea to divide them into categories it is easy to recognize that you are a father and enjoying spend time with your children at family movie evening. Looking at the list I noticed that there are two movies that I watched this year and really love them. Of course it is John Wick 2, it has everything: love that he gave up his gangster life up, of course the grief, and what I like the most is that order and respect among criminal world. Absolutely agree-enjoyed very much. Another one that was must on my list was Logan, I expected a lot of action, fight and Xmen like movie, but was very touched with the story and a tragedy, that could happen in real life. I could not believe and did not want to believe that Charles and at the end Logan died, I even had tears in my eyes.
I have not had a chance to watch any other movies but considering your taste I keep these name of movies on my to do list. Waiting for anticipation for continuation on Saturday!
I like Jumanji without Robin Williams as he will be too old for that for me. I actually had missed a lot of movies lately because I have a crappy Internet connection but it will soon be fixed I hope when I get to finally have a postpaid one.
These lists are awesome and PIXAR animations quite really gives one of the bests entertaining movies out there.
Thanks for this! Always looking for recommendations for good movies. Nothing worse than wasting 2 hours of your life that you'll never get back.
Oh my god can't even express my love for Baby Driver. I agree, the whole construction of the movie with the sound and actions were amazing and the ending got to me so much. "Easy"-Sky Ferraria will always hit me emotionally.
But all the new movies look terrible,
does this mean I am getting too old?
brb I have to tell some kids to turn their music down.
I think you need to tell those whippersnappers to get off your lawn too.
I had no idea they were on my lawn,
I seem to have misplaced my spectacles.
John Wick 2
Star Wars 8
Justice League
Wonder Woman
Thor Ragnarok
Great reviews. I especially like "spy" movies with good entangled plots. Looking forward to exploring your new list here.
I love watching Pirates of the Caribbean sequel. I enjoyed watching the recent 2017 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men tell no tales. Johnny Depp's humor is fun to watch and the guy can act very well. I like the plot,it is kinda the same with the previous movies but I think the story line is big and so far I can still follow it and not confused yet. @hanshotfirst Nice review!
its really useful post for movie lovers thanks for it
this post is very useful for movie lovers its nice information
@hanshotfirst The Shawshank Redemption is definitely the best movie I have ever watched! It's not ranked number 1 on IMDB by accident! It's well deserved!
Great movie guys, I highly recommend it if you haven't watched it!
I agree that Shawshank is one of the greatest movies ever. I was only looking at movies from 2017.
The top quality movie in 2017 john wick 2, 2018 will surely be the best of the series at the beginning of the series
hello The planned game of thrones to be released in 2018 will be released in 2019 in the last season ...
Love the new Star Wars. I think they are finally back on track. :)
All the movies are awesome to see your post is very entertaining for everyone. Great post Thank you @hanshotfirst
Amazing, thank you.
I think a category one might be interesting if your into alot of different things its depends on you @hanshotfirst like the 2 part I havent seen some of these for I got to see them and oh Jumanji surprised me on the list also lol,
I want to watch the sequel of Jumanji. I think Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is a good actor for this movie. What do you all think about it?
Thanks for these lists - a pretty fun way to avoid the usual top ten, year end blahs. I'm a critic myself and it all gets so predictable. I liked Wick a lot, too, but you've got me curious about Atomic Blonde. Still haven't seen Baby Driver, but I'm getting mixed reviews since the initial fireworks so I guess I'll just wait for it to hit Netflix. One of my faves of the year was Jodorowsky's Endless Poetry. Did you see that one? Cheers!
wow amazing work i like it and all the information described above is well managed and well described i like the way you develop that post i m new on your post and i will come again in your next posts
I've only recently joined Steemit, but am very excited about the future of the site. There are enough active users to make things interesting, but there is clearly a lot of room for growth from this point.
Fight Clup ! Thi is the best movie I have ever seen.A great fiction.And what do you know the most interesting,Tyler Durden appears 4 times on the screen before coming out as a character... VERY interesting... @hanshotfirst
Spiderman homecoming was really good made but Logan was unexpected so i think it ranks nr 1 from your list. Make a underated movie list next, pace ;)
My favorite movie star wars : the last jedi in 2017 .nice post thanks for sharing @hanshotfirs
I enjoyed a Jumanji sequel more than a Star Wars one same here my good friend,thanks for sharing.
I need to see jumanji
really Amazing moviee !!!!
baby boss
pirests of the carabian dead mean no tels
really amazing @hanshotfirst thanks for shareing
Sir pirates of the Caribbean johny depp was really a great movie
I hope these both The Geeky Dad and Geek Guy will Present the Top Movies of 2018 also, Many wishes to both of them :)
This movie is really very nice...i like this movie.Horror movie
The most amazing thing for me is that every single person who sees a movie, not necessarily one of my movies, brings a whole set of unique experiences. Now, through careful manipulation and good storytelling, you can get everybody to clap at the same time, to hopefully laugh at the same time, and to be afraid at the same time.