Who do you trust?
Safe house is reasonable, good even, but not much beyond that. This movie relies heavily between the interaction of Ryan Reynolds and Denzel Washington both of whom give solid performances as you would expect. There is an attempt at adding depth to the character but it didn't really do much for the movie.
The action scenes are reasonable, however there are quite a few cliches, so this tends to feel more like something that gets made to keep Hollywood in the "green". Not a spectacular movie, but something that gets made to make a profit and keep people employed.

We have Matt Weston (Ryan Reynolds) playing a new CIA agent and Tobin Frost (Denzel Washington) playing a wanted criminal. Matt's day is about to get very exciting when Tobin walks into the safe house he is manning. There is only slight problem however, the safe house isn't safe. It gets overrun by more criminals that want Tobin dead. Can the two of them make it to another safe house? Will the next safe house be "safe"?
Good review. I will check back to see your review on Aquaman.
Thanks, Aquaman is one I intend to see shortly.