Joonto's Film Reviews: The Matrix Resurrections

in #movies3 years ago

I'm going to spoil the plot, but I'm going to spoil my amusement. A friend of mine warned me about this upcoming movie. “You'll get pissed too!”

I was already afraid of what I could have seen. I was afraid it was going to ruin the other 3 installments. I was afraid of experiencing the same sense of offense I got from The Force Awakens! As a protection mechanism, I entered the theater with the lowest expectations possible. You can't remove expectations completely, not when you watch a franchise so influential in your life. A couple of hours later, I was happy, satisfied, relieved! It wasn't anything like what I feared!

Not a remake, not any horrible rebootquel! The Matrix Resurrections is nothing what you can expect! The Matrix Resurrection is a fine work of satire! The first part makes fun of today's Hollywood industry, so obsessed with extracting every single cent from its creations, obsession which drove those hills to produce tons of empty sequels, prequels, rebootquels and any sort of similar shit. Yeah, you will see so many dejavus (including the very black cat!), you will first take them bad, but while the reel rolls away, you'll understand their satirical meaning. Prepare for many puns and witty jokes. This film will make you laugh, in a good way!

Not only laughs though. Lana Wachowski shows the pressure she (and her sister) endured over these years due to producers and press demanding another Matrix chapter. She goes through the mental breakdown she must have experienced due to such pressure. She shares how difficult is to understand who we are, especially when you are a transgender woman. Understanding what's a man and what's a woman is as hard as understanding what's reality and what's a simulation. Maybe, dwelling in the past is still a kind of simulation itself... This work is the most biographical Matrix installment ever. You can biographical metaphors everywhere. Lana Wachowski came with the script after both of her parents passed away, just 5 weeks apart. She was hit harder than she could imagine. If the Wachowski parents were gone for good, Lana could still resurrect the two most important characters of her life: Neo and Trinity. Lana said this helped her cope with the loss. For the same reasons though, Lilly (former Andy) Wachowski, quitted the project before production started. She gave the blessing to the new movie, but felt like going back to the past would have made everything more painful. It's fascinating how people can react so differently!

The second part offers a plausible description of what might have happened after Revolutions. It solves all the points left unresolved in the trilogy:

  • Did humans and machines really reach peace?
  • How did such peace work out?
  • How did the humans released from the Matrix survive in the real world?
  • What happened to Neo's and Trinity's bodies?
  • Did the trilogy happen for real? Or was it all in Thomas Anderson's head?

It's all about what we believe. Trinity always believed in Neo. Maybe, this time it's Neo's turn to believe in Trinity, or at least, in the woman who looks like Trinity... If the first Matrix clarified we need to believe in ourselves to achieve what we want, Resurrections shows when someone believes in us too, we can reach the impossible!