
Cool. There are some beauties in there. Which one's are in your top 10?

When I was originally putting this together it was going to be from any era. Then it occurred to me that out of the four I started with three were 90's so I went with it. It was a great decade for thought provoking and smart movies. Although there was a ton of garbage as well but I guess you could say that about any period in modern movie history.

It also leaves me with some ammunition for future posts. ;)

Goodfellas is my fav mafia movie of all time, amazing casting and a true story!

Fightclub, this movie took me by surprise when i first saw it, a film that makes you really think, both Brad pitt and Edward norton were amazing in it,.

Edward norton is great in american history X too!

I haven't seen American History X. I'll put that one on the list.

its a tough but real subject matter, its a brutal film - but its very very good.