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RE: A Positively Addictive Website for Film Buffs!

in #movies7 years ago

After reading your post, I just checked my Letterboxd account to see I've been on there since March 2012.

I love Letterboxd. I love the way it looks. I love the way it works. I love how you can use it as much or as little as you want. It's far superior to IMDb, in my opinion.

I use it mainly to log my watched movies. Occasionaly I write some short reviews or just some observations.

What I really love doing thought is creating lists. Really obscure lists. And I've created a lot. It's really fun!

I'll have to check if I'm already following you but if not, I'll add you.

In case anyone else wants to follow me on Letterboxd:


After finding Laura's post and following her on here and Letterboxd, I'm sorry to learn via another Steemit user that she has died.

I was very much looking forward to her movie reviews and discussions. Sadly,that is not to be.

R.I.P. Laura.

She was much loved. Sorry.