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RE: Not satisfied with the deaths of most of The Resistance forces (and common sense), The Last Jedi is now killing other movies too.

in #movies7 years ago

You have to wonder what they were thinking, but at least they didn't have trade negotiations. I agree Solo was a really fun movie that didn't really have any slack in it.


what about jedi???????

What about them? I've not been that impressed by them to be honest. They let Darth Vader beat them. I'm sure @LordVader has a few choice words about them, but I've not seem him lately.

Man I can't find an image but there is a Simpsons episode about the prequels. In in an AT-AT breaks through the wall of the senate. Then it puts on giant reading glasses and starts reading a charter. Summed them up perfectly!

May the parliamentary debate be with you :)