So, it’s now common knowledge that the hit show “Ash Vs. Evil Dead” has been cancelled. Whether, the ratings dipped because Starz tried to bury it or the piracy issue was a big cause of the shows demise, for the most part, people dug the show. It was fun, over the top and had that Evil Dead spirit (no pun intended… or WAS it). The big news that followed was the retirement of the “Ash” character for actor, Bruce Campbell. This was devastating news to fans of the series and franchise. Bruce played Ashley J. Williams for 39 years. He was truly horror’s original “superhero.” Monster fighter, demon basher, deadeye slayer, Ash carried us through 3 movies, a series of video games, a remake and 3 seasons of a great show… But can the franchise carry on without everyones favorite monster fighter?
Evil Dead made its debut in 1982. It was a quote from famed horror writer, Stephen King, after he screened the film at the Cannes film festival in 1981, where he called it “the most ferociously original horror film of the year,” that caused the stir the film needed to become what it has become today. With no internet back in those days, word of mouth created the buzz that put Evil Dead on the map. Fans grew quickly.
In 1987, the fans got another film in the Evil Dead series… Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn, an indirect sequel/recap of the original but with a bigger budget and more zany than original. The sequel was more of a horror comedy than a straight scare picture. It made Ash into the “hero from the skies,” a reluctant anti-hero prophecised to de-spell the evil caused from reciting passages from the infamous Book of the Dead from the original. It also showed that even our trusty hero, Ash was susceptible to the evil becoming possessed a number of times through out the film. The film solidified its fan base even more than the original.
In 1992, the fans were gifted with an over the top, action-adventure sequel… Army of Darkness. Now with millions and millions of dollars and distribution with Universal Studios, AOD didn’t do great box office but it became a huge cult movie and roped in even more fans of the franchise. This took Ash where we left him at the end of Evil Dead 2… trapped in the 13th century, fighting medieval deadeyes and mythical monsters with the help of King Arthur and his knights. It is easily the most accessible film in the series to fans and non-fans alike.
I will continue with Pt. 2 tomorrow as we review the video games, the remake and the hit series as we get closer to the series finale, tomorrow night, ending the adventures of Ash Williams. Will the franchise carry on without Ash? Can it continue without Ash? Will the fans embrace the franchise after Ash is gone? Tune in tomorrow. Same Ash time. Same Ash channel.
@writesbackwards is a group of friends who love to write about life, sports, comedy, tech and other fun stuff!
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Evil Dead is very horror movie especially evil dead 2 thanks for sharing this horror movie @writesbackwards but I don't why I don't like this type of movies I like movies like Bat Man, Beauty and the beast & Star wars but I appreciate your work keep it up.
Thanks to giving you valuable news, I did not know the Evil Date was canceled,Hopefully you will benefit us with a better post in the future.Thank you
Interesting content. Thanks for sharing.