I just don't know what to do.
I can't make new memes.
Two fingering this tablet makes coherent thought impossible, for me.
How about some memes?
They don't have to be mine, do they?
Or do they?
It's almost time for me to go, be sure to change your channel selector!
It's a little too late to persuade of us of you having coherent thought, but I'll let that pass.
As for two fingering a tablet...You need to get out more. lol..I worry about you.
Lol, damned introverts...
do you know what happened with https://theanarchistlibrary.org/ ?
It does that from time to time.
They probably need donations.
I think the memegen api is a pretty swell way to generate memes https://github.com/jacebrowning/memegen :D
producesI'd love to check that out, but this tablet doesn't have the memory.
You'll have to remained and me when I get a desktop.
I'm gonna be a script kiddie!
Glad to see you back.
Lol, heroes,...
