How to increase the level of our positive vibrations?
1 - Be thankful.
2 - #Move.
3 - Take care of your #nutrition.
4 - Always be #learning.
5 - Be in touch with #nature.
6 - Forgive yourself and others.
7 - #Personalize with yourself.
8- Do good deeds for others.
9 - Take the power of #laughter seriously.
10- Feed the #animals and get in touch with them.
11- If you have a small child in the family, spend time with him.
12- Talk to #plants and spend time.
13- Pray #good for others.
14- Do extra work such as #painting, #cooking, #photography, etc.
(Not because of the need for a result or compensation, but for the action itself)Do things only out of #love and #kindness.
16- # Meditate.
17- Look at the #positive aspect of the cases.
18- Travel and have fun.
19- #Listen to positive music
- Take care of yourself and be #beautiful.
21- Be more in touch with people with #high #vibration frequency.
22- Do not pay attention to #news and media
23- Read positive and inspiring books
24- Clean your environment with handmade incense or sage
Good morning