Hello @coininstant, sorry for the inconvenience it may cause, but I have to remind you, please, to withdraw the negative votes that we have already clarified that were given by mistake, in particular there are three cases that are very obvious that are not repeated content, as they are My daily publications like this one, in which I narrate my daily experience during this time of quarantine in the pandemic, is about:
Already in the case of the publication of my day in quarantine 350 the reward time passed, but I would appreciate if the negative vote was withdrawn. I must say that I do not remember where I heard a phrase that fits very well at this time, I think it said: 'Acknowledging one's own mistake is an act of courage, amending one's own mistake and its consequences is an act of justice'.
Please take a few minutes for this correction. Thanks in advance.
Just move on, you post so much as it is, don't worry about it.
Certainly I publish a lot and quite frequently, but perhaps that is why I like to see that what I write is well received, which means that I don't like negative votes very much.
Please, it took you a few minutes to vote negatively on my posts by mistake, I just ask you to take another few minutes to remove those negative votes, even if only on the posts that correspond to my description of my daily life in: