glad im not vaccinated

in #mrna2 years ago

im glad i didnt get vaccinated with this mRNA crap big pharma pulled out of their ass.

im glad i didnt give despite societal pressure, psyops and getting treated like trash by family members.

the worst part was how badly my family drank the coolade: having siblings send me half a dozen ticktocks of sad eyed people in scrubs repeating the narrative, my mom sending me hours of john campbell videos, my dad telling me i "need to stop resisting authority", getting blocked by family members after asking family members to drop the issue, and my brother in law having an absolute reddit moment where he blows up and tells me that i shouldnt have kids (after i told him that i didnt trust the government to give accurate data)

im glad i didnt mindlessly trust the experts and go get my body altered with an untested, experimental product.

did i think it would make me become a 5g antenna? no.

did i think it was going to give me autism? no.

but i know the track record of big pharma and multinational corporations in general, and i dont trust that they will tell the truth about their products. their profits trump people, every time.

why should i trust a government who hates me, and hates anyone with similar beliefs to me? why should i trust a goverment who seems to be continuously make my life more difficult on a daily basis, to be honest with me and care about my welfare this one time?

why should i trust a group of babyfucker vampires?

what a joke.

on another note, i feel quite bad for the people who are comming to grips with the fact that they made a decision based on coordinated pressure by a government who hates them.

it sucks when your brother dead ass tells you he got vaccinated because he couldnt stand to not be able to go to the cinema and comi-cons.

"youd compromise yourself to be able to see the next cookie-cutter starwars 3 months before it showes up on disney+?"

in the end, this is not about the vaccine; do what you want. your life, your problem.

this is about being glad i had the mental fortitude and the value system to stick to my guns and resist the pressure, the threats and the harassment.

it troubles me that it seems like few people resisted. it troubles me to see that people where willing to physically compromise themselves in favour of minor conviences.