New beginnings are acceptionally hard to come across. The importance of new begins will hold merit with all that understands its meaning. To all that understand what new beginnings are, cheers. I discovered this platform performing a routine google search of things to do in your spare time. Upon the search i reach a very popular article. I believe thearticle was about hacking your self esteem. After reading the article I immediately fell in love with steemit. Enough said.
Social media has been around for years, but this is the first I have seen it to where intellectual thought was consider content. The norm usually exist of creating content to get viewer to the original thought. The steemit platforms creates a space for all of any type of brain patterns to share ideas across the world wide web without guilt. This is all my opinion, of course, but I ultimately believe that this platform is a new wave of intellectual social media.
In summary, I am proud to be a member of this platform. I also have the intent to contribute as much as possible. When there is free time I will write an article to see if others of all creeds share in my opinion. I am stressing the importance of being able to relate to others. I would like to relate to all i meet.
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isaac.asimov (-2)(1) 9 years ago
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bignastywhale (-1)(1) 9 years ago
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eternalabove (-2)(1) 9 years ago
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