#Fyrstikken Fires Back... "Lead By Example"

in #mrwang8 years ago

We all have "moments" on Steemit.. The best usually are the rants...

Here's my recent one..
Get Off Of Steemit You Piece Of Shit!!!

"The Viking"

Seems as tho my homage to user @fyrstikken wasn't appreciated much as I was flagged for paying tribute or using the "Angry" template of an occasional madman we like to refer to, on Steemit as...

Needless to say... I hope he doesn't think I'm telling him to get off of steemit, nor calling him a piece of shxx... What I do feel is in much need of pointing out is the fact that we occasionally like to go on these wild and inebriated shouting matches over voice chat rooms in discord but are frankly too chicken shxx to put them on the blockchain.

fyrstikken doesnt approve.PNG

"Think whom you offend with your titles"

I did... I'm pretty sure the message hit exactly whom I intended...

I used your outburst as an example and applied it to my rant on leeches and scumbags of steemit, like you did here...

A Viking tells us how he really feels about Steemit...Courtesy of @berniesanders (May he rest in peace)

I believe it was in a recent post you addressed a similar issue you had with nearly the same delusion of grandiosity as I did, in the post...

Don't let short sighted idiots ruin the important long term goals!, Hence my idea of using hashtag..


I feel that this might give some users a bit more confidence when spewing out hurtful and derogatory messages about other users they despise because if you can do it and get away with it.. they should be able to as well.

If you want this platform to be more friendly and less hostile with even less of a potty mouth... you should really consider applying those same principles to your individual communities as well... helping, supporting, building and even fixing up the issues that plague steemit instead of attacking and pointing fingers at other groups who are building their individual projects/ideas as well.

Maybe we should all just chill and figure this whole thing out, together... just saying.

Lead By Example

Stay tuned for @bycompoundfilms Episode 2: All Access featuring @comediantrump & @carloscaz

Don't forget to check out the rest of our production team...
@bycompoundfilms, @steemitafterdark, @brownhogg, @comediantrump, @mrwang, @carloscaz, @steemitafterdark @bettystunner, @glam1on1

follow our blogs, subscribe to our youtube channels and leave any creative comments and feedback, in the comments section below.

You can find me on discord MrWang#0486
and steemit.chat @MrWang

Till Next Time... Adios Amigos

WangChange on Openledger


dude your a piece of shit, get the hell off the block chain and stop ruining the reward pool with your stupidity, we dont want you here, just get off. Fyrstikken is a good friend of mine and your just a insulent twat! oh and leagal issues...fyrstikken name is copyrighted so.........FUCK oFF have a nice day on steem hahahahaha

Overreact much lol

dude just end your carrer on steemit now...we dont want you here....bye falisha!!!

Sure, I'll trade flags with you lol

whatever bro, you dont know who your messing with

Please, do tell...

And please don't make me wait another 3 days for you to think of something to say lol

You can't act like @fyrstikken unless you have the Steem Power of fyrstikken. A minnow that leaves the pack gets eaten. But then again, I don't know. I could be wrong. I just like the idea, 'Do no harm, and treat others as you want to be treated'.

Sometimes you have to kick butt. But if I was being a jurk, I would want someone to kick my butt to put me back inline with myself.

Just some random thoughts that may, or may not mean anything

Actually, you don't need the steem power to act like an all mighty and powerful nut... when you're confident and well respected with a reputable voice and history.. your voice can stand with or even shine beyond those with steem power..

Don't let these whales make you think otherwise.. fyrstikken has a room full of "thirsty" followers which gives an impression that he's super duper powerful.. his "power" comes from the room he dwells in.. not his steem power.. take the room away and it's a different story.

Sometimes you have to kick butt. But if I was being a jurk, I would want someone to kick my butt to put me back inline with myself.

Well said.. and noted.

This is all been a test of new styles im experimenting with.. interesting responses and comments, I've noticed

Well @MrWang, you are neither well respected, your voice is not reputable and your history shows that you are weak with money (the WangChange dump & dump) - So how about a nice cup of Shut the Fuck UP?

Ain't that the pot calling the kettle black....

i see you took my recommendation on cleaning up your wang change ads. Looks much better. your fryst hate posts are getting a bit... old... this story is starting to bore me. and @jphenderson your a straight up bitch. I don't think anyone is attacking you but didn't your dad teach you never to hit a girl? clean it up bro....

there is no fyrst hate... never was, you are being lied to if you believe so... my had nothing to do with him other then me paying "homage" to his silly antics. If you want to believe that I have hate for anybody, I'm not gonna try to change your belief.... here's something to consider... my videos are public and I'm welcoming anyone to come join me for a chat. Honestly, I don't care... We are too busy making moves to worry about a petty issue of feelings being hurt.

"there is no fyrst hate" + "We are too busy making moves" = +2!

btw, thanks for the advice on the "ads"

Funny stuff man! People need to stop throwing their power around, this isnt a big dick competition...


Sometimes you gotta shake boulders and stones to move mountains. Too many Steemians live in fear of the big bad whales. Whales that arent actively helping communities and steemians should have new names lol... "DARKWHALES" or "ORCAS" lol

Both you @bambam808 and that toilet-scrubber @MrWang you hang with need to cool the fuck down.

@MrWang: Do not blame your lack of success on me. I know you are jealous and envious as fuck, and it shows. Keep it up and see where it leads you.

Truth hurts don't it motherfucker....

Clearly making up for a lack of penis size

"helping, supporting, building and even fixing up the issues that plague steemit instead of attacking and pointing fingers at other groups who are building their individual projects/ideas as well".... How's he going to do this when he is, in fact, one of the biggest problems and it is his "community" and the whole corporate overlords thing that is what really plagues steemit? Fortunately, I am actively working towards a real solution to this that will provide a lifeboat to a level playing field to those that deserve it while the rats will sink with this ship.

Don´t you have legal issues you should be focused on? All of Steem knows about how you got thrown out of you apartment after beating up your girlfriend. We have seen your criminal record so I doubt you are qualified to mention any diagnose. We all know you are Fuzzy´s BITCH, so be a good BITCH, Sit, Stay, Roll around. Idiot!

Funny because its clear whom BITCH are you :P Just a friendly advice dont talk about things you are not really clear about , knowing the one side das not meen you know the TRUE . Low issues will be solve buy low ways ............ with lawyers , case is not close so .................... we will see who is the abuser in this story

Oh shut your Bulgarian Pie-Hole @patelincho. You have been a money sucker since you came to Steemit in your bathingsuit. Your life is a joke.

Wow haha i am a money sucker ? Wow is not me who steal bitcoins from people or promote a trading site with pyramid scheme :) And speaking about life , mine is very good right now :P

Funny how Ned's bitch calls someone a bitch.... I guess someone like you couldn't understand an equal partnership. My legal issues are nothing to focus on because they are false accusations that my lawyer can easily deal with unlike the real ones both you and she will have to deal with because we have these things known as evidence. Thanks for giving me more evidence of her harassing me though. She will have to deal with the results of her actions as will you. Now go lick some Ned ass bitch.

try saying that to the IRS you damn American Tax Amateur.

Seriously? That's your best response? That doesn't even make any sense...