Sorry for the relatively short post. Today has been a little hectic split between dadding, monstering, msping, and witnessing. I meant to get this post out earlier, but I took a half day off and rode roller coasters with my first baby for the first time and took my 2nd baby on large water park slides for the first time. Then stuff...
Anyway, MMTH is tonight. I think I'm gonna skip some Steem Monsters tonight and go back to the original format at least for a night. I'm hoping folks will come on air with me and just openly discuss stuff they are working on, posts they want to share or read excerpts from, and a who knows what else... Wanna perform? ok. Wanna talk witness stuff? Ok. Want to talk about MSP? Ok. Want to introduce yourself to the platform. I'll help.
Show starts in 40 minutes in the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network Discord group. Hop into the msp-waves audience channel to chat.
You can also listen on
it's good to know that there is a place that as minnow we can rely on
Happy Father's day and congrats on the babies
You are a rare gem to all of us here- P.A.LWhat a nice time I guess you and your family had today. Happy Father's Day @aggroed
good post, you are in the bustle and you also have time to hold your baby while singing, but I want to ask why I can not upload images in my post.
What a good friend a family day, I congratulate you for your well-deserved rest.
The same happened to me today. since in Venezuela we are celebrating father's day, so I got a little bit of being spoiled by my family
Happy father day @aggroed. I miss my father alot.
That is really kind of you. Thanks for your great help towards new minnows