Do you think it will come back?
@shadowspub should be able to answer that but she was in the discord for your inaugural show from what I remember.
The Ramble - PYPT scroll down and you can see some of the formats of
Here's the PYPT Posts that showcase the links. The Ramble Community and i think there might be some recorded shows on 3speak.
Found One! Pimp Your Post Thursday -- January 30, 2020 -- Evening
I think Its so cool you where at the podcast, you where my 9th follower on here and we rapped on discord in some group. Its so neat figuring this community out.
Haha, wish I could spend so much more time on here and help it flourish, it can be so rewarding and there's so many cool people and niches around..
Keep on telling myself that when I have a holiday, i'll spend it on here finishing the dozens of draft articles and investigations i've got.
Bro there are different levels to this shit! Hive is so deep with layers! Imagine just how deep the rabbit hole it will go once we get even more people on here.
Yea man id love to see some more post from you! I own a few different companies, and am always working on different projects. Not to mention Im the director of admission of a luxury drug treatment center. What im trying to say is im busy as fuck! I really didnt have a hobby but i guess hive is my new hobby lol AKA Get To Posting! LOL
OK OK, i'll do some more posting :D
Being busy as fuck is an addiction in itself. Make sure you get rest and downtime too.
I'm also tryna get a friend to give you a call RE: recoveryinc, he needs your services.
You hit a nail on the head "Being busy as fuck is an addiction in itself. Make sure you get rest and downtime too." I need to get some sleep.
and yea id be more then happy to talk with you friend.