Today's Topic:
Could be anything...
For realz. Could be ghost towns, aliens, crypto games, nostalgia, cats, moving, politics, life, love or even hot tubs. Your guess is as good as mine. Do join me! Point me in the right direction.
Disclaimer: I am NOT a journalist. I am a commentator, at best. I simply share my thoughts and opinions on topics.
This has been your friendly neighborhood trigger warning. Have a great day!π
Today's Tunes:
Carrieallen not to be held responsible in the event the 'plan' is thrown out the window and completely different topics and tunes are discussed/played.
Where to tune in:
I'm on the SPLINTERLANDS team! Click the pic below for OFFICIAL Splinterlands lore!
Spanish Version π Tutorial de Markdown COMPLETO
All images created by me, Bitmoji, are open-source by the Splinterlands/Steem Monster Team, or logos of projects I support.