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RE: WhatRUat RADIO SHOW tonight!

in #mspwaves7 years ago (edited)

Ok, I'll just say this: if y'all aint heard Bucky and Dog yet, you don't know what you're missing.
There was this one time (in band camp) they didn't have any ice, and I was all like ,(wait..?? Didn't it just snow 17 inches? Can't y'all just go out and get some stuff from the sky?)
And Bucky held the floor, while Dog did exactly that.
And what ensued was 2hours of hilarity that I'll never forget. Y'all?? I was literally grabbing my crotch.
The WhutRUAt show is the funniest couplahours you'll ever take.
And, I apologise if I run off with Dogg.


Game on! We love you @disarrangedjane!

And, I love you @doghaus. Not that anyone could tell...

Ok, I screwed it up again.
Y'all just go to the MSP-WAVES site and press the thingies that do the stuff.
You won't regret it.

But y'all??
Seriously... Tune into MSP-WAVES.
I promise, you'll have a great time.
Jane (Shout out to @aggroed, @globocop, @r0nd0n, @crimsonclad (our resident beauty) @gmuxx, @eturnex,@discordiant, @errigan, @soundwavesphoton, @M1,... I know I'm leaving out a few hundred others... I don't mean to. It's just... My brain ain't working quite right.