in #mspwaves7 years ago

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It is so sad to know that the servant of God Billy Graham went to be with the Lord. On the other side I am happy that he brought the gospel to almost 215 million people and become a believer because of God's move to Billy's life. This post is my personal and sincere tribute to an excellent, God fearing servant of Christ.


Born on November 7, 1918, in Charlotte, North Carolina, Billy Graham was preaching at Los Angeles revival and was a guest on thousands of radio show in 1949. They made Graham a superstar and he began broadcasting his preaching locally and globally.

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Time reporter dubbed him "the Pope of Protestant America." Graham retired in 2005, and later died at his North Carolina home on February 21, 2018, at age 99. Billy Graham was the first of four children raised on the family's dairy farm in Charlotte.

God touched Billy in Mordecai Ham's preaching, that's why he responded to the calling of God, after high school Graham moved to Tennessee to enroll in the conservative Christian school, Bob Jones College. After graduating from the Florida Bible Institute with a bachelor's in theology, Graham moved to Wheaton College for further spiritual developement. Here he would meet his future wife, Ruth McCue Bell.

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Ruth was the daughter of a missionary, and lived with her family in China until she turned 17. After graduating with a bachelor's in anthropology, Graham and Bell were married on August 13, 1943. They eventually raise five children together.

Evangelist Billy Graham -- a confidant to presidents, a guiding light to generations of American evangelicals and a globe-trotting preacher who converted millions to Christianity -- died Wednesday at the age of 99, his spokesman confirmed to CNN.

Graham passed away at his home in Montreat, North Carolina, spokesman Jeremy Blume said.The skinny preacher with the booming voice evangelized to nearly 215 million people over six decades and prayed with US presidents from Harry Truman to Barack Obama. Several presidents, including Lyndon B. Johnson, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, relied closely on his spiritual counsel.

I salute this man because of his passion in sharing the gospel all around the world. I really admire his tweet

"I have one message: that Jesus Christ came, he died on a cross, he rose again, and he asked us to repent of our sins and receive him by faith as Lord and Savior, and if we do, we have forgiveness of all of our sins." —Billy Graham

His life become testimony that God can use even a single person to bring millions of people to Christ. We cannot underestimate the power of God when He move to our life.

I just want to grab this opportunity to share Jesus's forgiveness into your life. If you want to be forgiven just ask Jesus to forgive you, confess your sin and He is faithful to forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). Then confess with your mouth, Jesus, I accept you as my Lord and Savior, come to my life and take control of it. Be my God and my Savior.

You can watch his video here -> Tribute to the servant of God

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May he rest in peace, amen!

such a great historic moment

Goosebumps, imagine 215 million people. Souls for Jesus