Songwriter Shop Talk Featuring Daniel Dye

in #mspwaves7 years ago (edited)

   I am extremely happy to inform everyone that today Murphy did not show his face in the slightest, and from what my preliminary analysis says, the recording is also rid of his evil powers. Krystle and I were wondering when the technical issues will surface, as they always do but the show went as smooth as it could ever be.

   My microphone did act up in the beginning, but the muffly sound when compared to all the issues we had last week can be safely ignored.

But for those who did not make it

   In this is the full recording of the episode @Danieldyemusic did get to share 4 original songs that I'm sure that you will enjoy as much as we did. @Krystle and I seem to have the best gig on MSPWaves, we get to talk to amazing songwriters week after week, we get to laugh, get all emo on each other (as she calls it) but more importantly, we get to make amazing friends.

   As usual we went into some interesting digressions and just a bit of ridiculousness, but all in the spirit of having some fun on live radio. So crack open a cold one and hit play!!

   A giant thanks to everyone who showed up to listen, who participated in the audience, and of course you did a great job Cope @mfxae86 as you always do.

Much love to you all...

meno logo.png


Thank you @meno and @krystle! It was great to talk with you both and find out we have the same philosophy about so many things. I loved hearing about your mom as well, and seeing that picture of her lovely home. I will meet you face-to-face one of these days!

Twas a great show, bro!
As I've said before, you've got a gift of asking the right questions to garner the most interesting answers from people and a way to always bring the conversation back to an intelligent philosophical place, especially great awesome artists like @danieldyemusic, who played 3 awesome tunes!

Thank you @nathankaye! It was great having you tune in and and chat along!

Sounds like you guys had a great time :) Daniel sounds great awesome songwriter

I am glad I could get back at it and listen to the rest, it was 4 in the night and had to leave half way through 🌸🌸💚💚

Good your posting. I like it.