
of course!

Awesome! Got any pictures of your collection or card list from any of your fav decks?

15 years ago my huge collection got stolen (the good parts at least). Still like to play a game here or there when I meet someone with multiple decks.

That so sucks. I had an album stolen from me filled with all my Mox about 8 years go. Horrible horrible feeling.

I always have a couple themed decks around.

I haven't been able to play for several months, however I love FNM. Can't wait till I have a little more Friday night free time to get back into it again.

Perfect time to go again. Eternal Masters is being released on June 7th. :)
Eternal Masters

"Force of Will" - Eternal Masters

I played the online game for awhile -- loved it, but it took so much time (and i wasn't even having to buy decks because it was digital).