This account does not originate flags.

IF you are being flagged by this account it is as a result of this account following the most prolific flaggers in the hive.
I am searching for the unicorn authors 'abused by flags'.
They are here, they are exceedingly rare.
Usually because of something they said that didn't find favor with the folks flagging them.

Supporting 'free speech' is much harder than supporting agreeable speech, folks often fail to distinguish this difference, engage in doublespeak, and flag as a result of it.

Most likely you are doing something that 'the community' doesn't like.

You can tag the largest flagger, they will top the list of flags, and maybe you can get an answer, maybe not.
You can ask me, but all I have is probablities.

Either way, this account has given you a dust flag, .0006hbd is not worth much time, though I do think you have an explanation coming, I can't give it to you with any certainty, I can only speculate the motives of others until they agree to clarify for themselves.



Please explain why my post was downvoted?

Somebody thinks you are not doing enough work to get rewards, or cheating in some way.
Make original content every time and your problems may go away.

In the future I will fix it, if maybe there is a mistake maybe I did it accidentally. I have very little information about this platform because in my area there are still very few who write here. once again I apologize, I will be more careful, thank you for giving positive feedback..

"Ye've got th' look o' a sailur mucker." -Keptin


Have you found the flagger?

They are pretty easily found, it is the abused author that is sooo elusive.

Enjoy your Down-votes! It must be a lot of fun LOL 🤣

Screen Shot 2023-06-22 at 12.36.13.png


We've had this conversation before.
That I am willing to have a conversation with you should count for something.
.0006hbd is not worth this much time.

Oh Yes, we have communicated before! I forgot !LOL

Hive life is so exciting 🤣

Yeah, I have to have an abundance of interaction with folks for me to remember them 6 months later, too.

!LOL 🙃

I could get in trouble for stealing from the kitchen supply store
But that’s a whisk I’m willing to take.

Credit: reddit

ENTER @WIN.HIVE'S DAILY DRAW AND WIN HIVE!@freebornsociety, I sent you an on behalf of @andy4475

Where does an 800 pound gorilla sleep?
Wherever he wants.

Credit: reddit

ENTER @WIN.HIVE'S DAILY DRAW AND WIN HIVE!@freebornsociety, I sent you an on behalf of @andy4475

Hi, I was completely downvoted today. What's going on?

Indextrader24 has stepped in it, those flags have nothing to do with you.
If you have influence with him I would suggest he let it go.

Thanks for the info.
I always thought I was good with Indextrader24. I could be wrong.

Don't trust these liars.

They are members of the Mark Jeftovic Clan.

BEERHey @janalovesilver, here is a little bit of from @indextrader24 for you. Enjoy it!

BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.Did you know that <a href=' can use

Zur Info:

Die Flags und Downvotes wurden von der Verbrecherbande der Hivewatchers imitiert.

Nun, wo sie selber downgevotet werden zeigen sie ihr wahres Gesicht. Eine scheinliberale verlogene Bande, die keine Probleme hat eure Accounts und Investition platt zu machen.

Der Strippenzieher dieser kriminellen Vereinigung ist Mark Jeftovic in Kanada, der eine Vielzahl an Accounts angelegt hat um hier die Stakes der kriminell erworbenen HP zu verteidigen.

Ursache und Wirkung bitte nicht verwechseln.

Es sind der Mark Jeftovic Clan und dessen Mitläufer, welche Euch downvoten, nicht ich.

Es ist deren purer Hass, dass hier jemand nicht nach deren Krimineller Pfeife tanzt.

Ihr könnt natürlich weiter vor diesen Taugenichtsen kuscheln.

Dann wird diese Blockchain aber gewaltig Schiffbruch erleiden.

BEERHey @janalovesilver, here is a little bit of from @indextrader24 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Der Downvote auf deinen Kommentar ist dem Umstand geschuldet, dass Du dich für die gegen Dich gerichteten Machenschaften noch bei den Tätern bedankst, wie jemand der einem Stockholm Syndrom unterliegt.

Gar nicht gut und Ausdruck von Schwäche und fehlender Zivilcourage.

BEERHey @janalovesilver, here is a little bit of from @indextrader24 for you. Enjoy it!

HIVE .We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on

BEERHey @dotwin1981, here is a little bit of from @indextrader24 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Hallo Dotwin,

ich habe mit dem Flaggen Deines Accounts nichts zu tun. Dieser Verbrecher tischt Dir eine Lüge auf ohne mit der Wimper zu zucken.

Diese Gestalten stehen eh schon auf der Blacklist von ghs06

Diese Verbrecherbande rund um Mark Jeftovic wird sicherlich noch mehr Accounts platt machen.

Das liegt daran, dass ihr Euch mit diesen kriminellen Taugenichtsen solidarisiert.

Man kann nur hoffen, dass die eines Tages allesamt für viele Jahre im Knast landen.


Ich hatte mich schon gewundert, da wir doch nie Böses Blut zwischen uns hatten. Ganz im Gegenteil sogar.
Da bin ich froh, dass sich dies bezüglich nichts geändert hat.

Diese Flaggerei ist echt eine unschöne Sache. Hoffe es kommen mal Leute hier an die Macht, die den Weg gehen, wie es Blurt schon gemacht hat. Eben den Downvote "Entmachten" / Abschaffen.

Ich möchte nicht wissen, wie viele zu unrecht "Bestraft" / "Mundtot" oder komplett vergrault wurden mit dem Mist.

Naja mal schauen was die Zukunft bringt.
Danke dir jedenfalls schon mal für die Info.


BEERHey @dotwin1981, here is a little bit of from @indextrader24 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Ich habe das Netzwerk der Hivewatchers mal so gut es ging durchleuchtet.

Vermutlich agieren diese Verbrecher nach dem Motto Kontaktschuld.

Mark Jeftovic lebt in Toronto Kanada und ist der Kopf der Bande.

Die Strukturen habe ich vor ca
1 Monat auf steemit dargestellt. Es dürfte allerdings nur die Spitze des Eisberges sein

Der ADM Account hat im April 2016 seinen Power durch ein dubioses Software Update für lau bekommen.

Das ganze stinkt gewaltig zum Himmel.

Die meisten von denen glauben, dass man ihnen nichts anhaben kann. Aber ich vertraue da ganz auf Gott.

Ich vote diese Arschgeigen regelmässig down.

Der einzelne Downvote bei den Gestalten mag die nicht jucken, aber über die Zeit verlieren die mehr als ihnen lieb sein kann.

Irgendwann macht es hier vielleicht bei allen Klick und sie vereinen sich zu einem Antipol und hören auf vor diesem Verbrechersyndikat zu kuscheln.

Ich hab mit Dir nie ein Problem gehabt - im Gegenteil.

Beste Grüße


Da muss ich mir doch mal meine Steemit Logins raus suchen, damit ich da auf den laufenden bleiben kann.

Bis zu der Aktion hatte ich von den Haufen nicht viel bis gar nichts mit bekommen. Nur vor paar Jahren, wurde ein Kumpel tot gevotet, weil er öffentlich einen der Leute zurecht und belegbar Kritisierte. Der Account war nicht mehr nutzbar.

Und wenn die Power wohl auch "nicht nachvollziehbar zusammen gemogelt" wurde, ist es ja noch viel schlimmer als ich dachte.

BEERHey @indextrader24, here is a little bit of from @dotwin1981 for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.


6+ years on chain & rep was 75, moved to 72 from a few of the scumbags helping me with some upside down curation!

It's not easy to drop an account from 75, you must have made somebody with lots of hp mad, what did you do?

Stood up to Azircon, a few others visit here and there

Hello @freebornsociety

You have recently started downvoting my posts.

I think this is an mistake.

I was first penalized by Hivewatchers over 2 years ago for post recycling.

However, the Spamminator account stopped zeroing out my posts over a year ago, because I stopped post recycling.

Please remove me from your downvote list because I post only original material, and have done so for over two years.

Thank you.

Did you not read the post?
This account does not originate flags.
You are gonna have to make your peace with hivewatchers.
The flag you got from this account was <.0006 hbd, it isn't worth this much of our time.

Please remove Scripsio from your list. We have content that is elsewhere on the internet because some of our authors create SEO on multiple sites. But they are not plagiarized.

Does nobody read the post?

This account follows other accounts with a dust vote, 0.0002hbd.
Ignore it, it isn't worth even this much time.

Ping the largest flag and talk to them, this account has nothing to do with this beyond monitoring what is getting flagged.

Please stop downvoting my posts.

I've explained this to you.
Ignore the dust votes.
Make your peace with hw's.

@freebornsociety ...look unless the content is spam, plagmarised or bad quality content you can't downvote... your in league with @meritocracy @spaminator also right?

I been downvoted by group of you guys for no reason for a long while.

And please don't tell me its copy /pasted, I do write post my content elsewhere but always mention it that I also post on Hive and other platforms.

You can't downvote for NO VALID REASON... and please tell your other friends to stop downvoting as well...

Yes, people can downvote for no reason.
It's up to the crowd to police that behavior, or not.
Perhaps you shouldn't have dumped everything people gave you?
Why would a community allow you rewards when you dump the price as much as you can?

you're in league with...


No, if I were in league with them you would have gotten a much larger downvote.
I follow them looking for them to 'abuse' a legitimate user so that I may expose them as abusive.
It may have happened in the past, but it has been some number of years I've been doing this and have not seen a prevailing appeal.

Start powering up and your fortunes may improve.

Nonsense man!! I have not powered down for ages, you simpily downvoting without a valid reason and justify it?...just check, I powered up recently, what do you mean I dumped???

So, you don't even know why you downvoted my post, that's very revealing.

Look, I appreciate you atleast respond... but its irritating when you downvote for wrong reasons... even if its dust vote. Watch out a post on downvote gang is coming up...

I am ok with downvoting for valid reason, and stating it... but you guys just bullying man... anyway @freesociety...

But you need to stop downvoting for no reason, it makes no sense...and you don't even know why you downvoted...just readymade template answers. Those downvoters are abusing me btw... atleast I heard it from you that those downvoters I named abused many legitimate users...

anyway... watch out for my post on you guys!!

you simpily downvoting without a valid reason and justify it?

Read the title of this post.
The vote you got was less than .001hbd.

but you guys just bullying man

There is no 'you guys'.
I've already explained this to you.
Please put your emotions in check.

Make original content, every time, and your problems will likely go away.

Why did some of my posts you downvote?

Because you defraud the community.

which content? why did votedown almost all the contents? i had just used this platform not more than a month, im newbie and this platform doesnt support newbie, and you dont support Free of Speech, you against community too.

which content? why did votedown almost all the contents? i had just used this platform not more than a month, im newbie and this platform doesnt support newbie, and you dont support Free of Speech, you against community too.

Part of freedom is speech is the ability for us to downvote your stolen content.

If I read below the reasons for downvote, I am interested why you downvoted me. Because I put a lot of time and effort in my posts and pictures.

This account does not originate flags.
The flag from this account is a dust amount.
I recommend ignoring it.

Good afternoon By the way, can you tell me why they always come to me with flags? I guess I'm not that scary

Keep doing what you are doing

I got downvoted by the fat bald guy from Houston

boludo y asociados

Why are downvoting my posts

I think downvoter have a small penis
Just my opinion

Fuck you

Well, now, that is hardly a viable way to open a dialog, imo.
IF you make original content, every time, your problems will likely go away.

@exifr0 @r351574nc3 @exifr @salty-mcgriddles

Bunch of punks.
What good are you?
Put up a post or comment so me and my friends can come sh*t on your accounts.

What allows Hivewatchers to continue downvoting for months? Are those assholes allowed to harass indefinitely?

Yup. Free to do whatever they want with there stake.

Yeah, it is what it is.
You have to work it out with them, or organize enough hp to overrule them.


The account is just downvoting with low power (less than 0.01). It is a way to observe who is misusing downvoting power. If someone is found misusing downvoting power, then a group of people MIGHT upvote those downvoted posts.

Unfortunately, to track downvotes, he have to follow same downvote trails he wants to track. You can visit downvoting history of this account to track and collect data too.

The damage is negligible compared to the data it collects.


Lolz, you said that like you thought it would have some impact other than getting laughed at by me.

I've told you.
.0006 hbd is not worth this much time.
Let it go.

Didn't read the post, huh?

.0004hbd is not worth this much time.