@jamesc @ms-awarness Fibromyalgia is a direct result of iodine deficiency (as are all cystic conditions in the body and a number of cancers). 98% of Americans do not have enough iodine, because it the essential nutrient is not readily available in the food supply anymore. Heavy metal deposits seem to be a factor in developing multiple sclerosis, and iodine detoxes heavy metals, halogens, and even radiation. It's super super super super super super important, and people are woefully lacking--even the 150 mcg RDA recommended by the FDA is pitifully low compared to what people (especially women!) actually need. It's required by every cell in the body for every chemical reaction, and it's the missing keystone to health! http://www.intothegardenofeden.com/iodine1.html
Also, colloidal gold is a powerful anti-inflammatory that specifically targets the nervous system--we're seeing incredible results in applying it to those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis (relief within 15 minutes!). My understanding of its mechanisms of action suggest it will bring relief for multiple sclerosis as well, but we're still gathering evidence for it.
Both iodine and colloidal gold are successful in treating auto-immune disorders.